Friday, June 17, 2011

Two Things I'm Pondering Today

• After almost 4 years of posting lots of meaty information and opinions about Mensa issues and controversies, readership is highest now, when the election is over and the content is mostly just personal and admittedly, a little petulant (I figure I'm entitled—it's my personal blog, after all).
What does this say about what information Mensans really want to consume?

• I looked over the quarterly officer reports, and for my own amusement, I compared the quarter-to-quarter text of certain officers' reports. Quite a bit of cutting and pasting, I see. I was also surprised at the ones that are missing here and there.
What does this say about the usefulness of our current reporting process?


Marc said...

I admit I copy and paste the quarterly forms, with updates where appropriate. I don't like the form because it encourages many positions to just report the same thing quarter after quarter.

The Princess Mom said...

1. Mensans like gossip as much as the next guy.
2. See number 1. More gossip in the quarterly reports!

Actually, I think annual reports would be more illuminating. When projects are tabled for months on end due to circumstances beyond my control, my reports do get filled with cut-and-paste. And I assumed the AMC didn't want to hear about all the ideas that were generated and found to be not feasible during the quarter...

Do we know who the new officer appointees are? I'm curious if the house cleaning was sparked by neoptism because the "I just want to give someone else a chance to lead" rings hollow.

Robin Crawford said...

I don't really know what the AMC wants to hear about. I don't know that anyone else does, either.

My understanding is that Bob Bevard and Greg Timmers will continue as Dev Officer and DSE. Rob Salkin will be Membership Officer and Brian Reeves will be Communications Officer. The AMC Liaison to the Gifted Youth Committee is not automatically the Comm Officer-- they put me in that role because of my other experiences and skills.