Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Renew or Not To Renew- That is the Question

It is no secret that I’ve been quite down on Mensa for the past many months. My reasons are fairly well-known and shared by many.

Lots of members, newish and seasoned, are seriously questioning the direction and future of the organization we all love. So much so that many are intending to just give up and walk away, especially during this time of year when the renewal notices are piling up on our desks.

Matt and I are life members, so to walk away from Mensa would take a bit more effort, though it can be done if we wish to forego the investment we made in order to make a statement of our displeasure. However, our kids are not life members; we have been paying their membership bills for them each year. This year, they’re off in college, getting far more intellectual stimulation and camaraderie than they get from Mensa (albeit at a much higher price). So the simple way for me to express my lack of support for the direction and administration of Mensa would be to simply not continue those two memberships.

However, the only way Mensa will change— will turn around and start back on a path towards being the great smart thing we want it to be—is if there are significant changes at the top. So I’m going to renew Owen and Lindsay’s membership—not because I like how Mensa is, nor because they get anything out of it, but because…

I’m buying two votes.

Sure, it costs money. But when I think of all the money I’ve invested in Mensa over the years, beyond my dues, it’s a drop in the bucket. And I’m not the only one. Think of the receipts for mailing testing packets back to the office every proctor has neglected to turn in. Think of the gas money we’ve all spent to get to a meeting because our help was requested. Think of the ink and paper we’ve donated to print out flyers for events. Think of the TIME we’ve given to do our part to cart food and answer phone calls and write articles and design websites and edit newsletters and prepare reports and and and…

When you add up how much non-dues money I’ve spent in one form or another for the good of Mensa, two memberships is nothing.

So I’m going to spend money on improving Mensa one more time.

I’m buying two votes.

I urge others, especially the angry, disgusted, passionate members questioning the value of membership in Mensa-As-Is…

Buy a vote.

Make a difference.