Saturday, June 4, 2011

Old Goals from 2004-Still Pertinent Today

Double-posing today as I continue my review of old LocSec documents. Here are the goals I set for myself back in 2004. What fascinates me is how well they align with AML's current strategic goals.

Robin’s Goals as Local Secretary 2004

Goal #1. Major group functions will continue despite the failure of any one person.
Check that the following positions have updated job descriptions and details:
Pubs            Treasurer            Scholarship Chair
LocSec            Gifted Children Coordinator            GOBS Liaison
Editor            Activities Bulletin Editor            SIGHT Coordinator
Programs            HalloweeM  Chair            Secretary
Publicity            Hospitality Chair            Circulation Manager
Membership            Project Inkslinger /Literacy            CAP Chair
BusMgr            Testing /Proctor Coordinator           

            Actively request monthly reports for each of the above.
            Actively offer or locate assistance for the above.
            Actively solicit replacements before volunteers burn out.

Goal #2. The budget will end with a surplus.
            Ride herd on keeping costs down.
            Support fundraising projects
            Whip up volunteer enthusiasm for ‘Weem and MindGames.

Goal #3. Members will be informed about decisions affecting the CAM and AML.
            Review AMC minutes
            Write a monthly LocSec column.

Goal #4. Paperwork will be filed on time.
            Show up; stay on top of things; be responsive to requests.

Goal #5. Members will feel that they’re being attended to.
            Answer calls and email promptly.
            Attend a variety of local activities.

Goal #6. CAM will comply with all AML and CAM bylaws, Standing Orders, & ASIEs.
            Request guidelines, ASIEs, SOs, and bylaws from AML.
            Gather all CAM SOs, ASIEs, and bylaws.
            Comb through all minutes to finish up the above gathering.
            Appoint a CAM committee to review ASIEs and SOs and bylaws
Determine current appropriateness.
                        Draft motions for proposed changes.
                        Delineate steps for making bylaws changes.
                        Initiate bylaw changes.

Goal #7. CAM will overtake SFM as second largest group.
Support publicity efforts.

Goal #8.  Information will be consistent in announcements and publications
                        Contact Cat for AML definitions
                        Find CAM ASIE or SO about SIGs
                        Confirm or draft a CAM definition
                        Update ChiMe, Web site, etc.
            Admission Costs
                        Search holy documents for any information. If none is found, initiate
motion confirming age 7 (or 8) as age under which children are free.
                        Update ChiMe and Web.