Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Reactions to the Election Results

So just as the congratulations poured in when I "won," now the "Well shit, that sucks" messages are filling up my inbox. My favorite exchange so far:

"The voters in these elections a woefully uninformed.  I just don't know who's going to drive the train anymore without Robin there."

My reply: "Don't worry about no Robin to drive the train. No one wants to get anywhere."

And yes, I've heard from Dan. I was shocked at what he wrote to me. I'm debating the ethics of posting it here. It would be unethical to publish a private email, but then again, so many things in this election were underhanded and slimy and my consistent effort to take the high ground approach did not exactly teach me that being ethical is of any value in Mensa. 


Dan Burg said...


As you have alluded to my e-mail to you, here it is for your readers to judge for themselves. I sent it on Monday June 13, three days after the revised results were announced, with the subject line "the recent events":



I can't say I'm sorry about how the recount turned out, because of course I'm not, but I am sorry about how the sequence of events unfolded. When I first got the phone call last Wednesday that the count was off I said that this must be horrible for Robin and Cary, that for me the results can only stay the same or get better but for them the results can only stay the same or get worse. My sympathies on what you must have been going through.



In retrospect, perhaps I shouldn't have written to you at all. I apologize for that.


Anonymous said...

Oh Dan, you insufferable pompous horse's butt. One is supposed to win with grace. Your letter is obviously a sign that you have decided to be crass. Gloating is never an attractive character quality. I wish you well..ok..maybe I don't wish you well (see...doesn't that suck?). So long and thanks for all the fish.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Dan, your words make you sound like a complete dick. You're supposed to write the email with sincere thoughts of how well Robin did in the election. Can you not figure that out? She has the shitty end of the stick now and it's up to you to be the better man! At least FAKE sympathy and kindness.

Of course, I guess that's why I didn't vote for you. Oh no, wait, I didn't vote for you because you're an incompetent buffoon who will never care about the members (despite purportions during your campaign). Oh no, wait, I didn't vote for you because absolutely nothing will be accomplished during your "reign" other than you being an egotistical leader who pontificates and never seems to turn words into action or results. Oh no, wait, I didn't vote for you because it's incredibly annoying that you can't speak even ONE sentence related to Mensa without mentioning your wife and kids (that's really freaking annoying, by the way, in case you didn't figure it out).

Ugh, please stop being smug and a dick and incompetent and at least give me SOME of my dues worth in the next two years.

Jody said...

Interesting how people are willing to slam others in your comments section, but aren't willing to "man up" and sign their names.

Kevin Mullen said...

Sorry, I just don't see a problem with the email. He sympathized with the other candidates but was not sorry that he won. I guess the others posting here would have apologized for winning.

Guy Conti said...

I think Dan's heart is in the right place. However, I think he could have left the part about him not being sorry about the ultimate outcome out of his email. That he is pleased to be elected is axiomatic. No one would doubt that; everyone knows that. He had no need to state that to Robin. A simple "I feel bad for what you are going through" would have been enough.

Leah said...

I agree that being (as opposed to claiming to be) ethical will get you nowhere within the Mensa leadership structure, other than burnt out or run out, but if you really want to go far, try self-aggrandizing and callous manipulation.

Dan, you're right, if that gloating and condescending drivel was the best you could come up with, you shouldn't have written at all. Those are the things you say to your closest cronies, not to the aggrieved party you're attempting to console. Lord knows I remember how much you love the sound of your own voice, but even I'm surprised at this one.