Thursday, June 23, 2022

Brick Walls

Every project I set out to work on lately is running into a wall at the stage where I need information from someone else. While this happens all year long, it's particularly bad between April and June, when all of AML seems to shut down except for handling renewals and preparing for the AG.

That's a quarter of the year when progress on anything else grinds to a halt. I am beyond frustrated.

Lately I've been trying to work on the section of the LG Communications Guide that covers websites. There is ZERO training, and few resources provided by AML. Further complicating matters is the resources AML does offer are so outdated that they can't be used with the other resources developed by the Marketing Committee (WordPress templates). And those templates, while pretty and well-crafted, require a novice webmaster to know far far more than they do.

Everyone seems to be working in individual silos with no one coordinating and no one really considering their audience or applying appropriate education techniques. No wonder LGs are floundering.

Well damn, Robin, this sounds like a communication issue. If only AML had a proper Communications Officer to sort it all out.
