Saturday, December 24, 2022

Harvard’s 15-Step Leadership Checklist

Leadership is one of those terms we all use and we all "know" what it means, but I found this article particularly on-point for identifying exactly what makes a good leader.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Wired & Leader

 As a result of some back and forth with a member complaining about wanting to unsubscribe from AML’s  advertising messages (specifically in Wired and Leader) without also unsubscribing to actual messages she needs to see as a LG officer, I learned something important that solidifies my on-going discomfort with those emailed “newsletters.

They are viewed by staff as "the member benefit promotion emails intended to  provide non-dues revenue for American Mensa.

I’ve long complained that they look like spam and get deleted, unread because they look like little more than ads. Now I know that’s the whole point of them. Actual “news” members or officers need is sparse.

Other than the Bulletin, which tends not to have much Mensa News content (by design—it’s meant to be more entertainment), there is no national-to-everyone publication that disseminates real Mensa news.

What to do?

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

What I Did Aug 26-Nov 18, 2022

Communications Officer

  • Wrote long response to Ian’s questions about Bulletin Ad policy.
  • Forwarded notice of a member’s passing to the NO.
  • Zoom call with GLAAM LocSec about volunteerism and other topics.
  • Discussed moderation issues with a member.
  • Worked on boilerplate and indicia sections of LG Comm Guide.
  • Responded to a few complains about not being able to log into MC.
  • Discussed common issues with Membership Officer and advised on a LG newsletter conflict.
  • Responded to concerns over privately sent word choices that was posted in the Proctors Community.
  • Responded to Ruth about several frustrations.
  • Asked Becky about who reads newsletters that aren’t uploaded.                            
  • Sent Trevor some ideas to improve Leadership Dev efforts.
  • Asked Mathew about the MC Admin Guide that he worked on two years ago.
  • Discussed with Membership Officer ideas for disseminating educational info to members.
  • Worked with Bulletin editor to craft shirttail and bio for new Volunteer Insights column.
  • Admonished a set-promoting member who was badgering staff.
  • Zoom call with Kevin Borchers re web server needs.
  • Phone call with Ombudsman re Region 8 moderation issues.
  • Notified IT staff of a website page update needed.
  • Zoom with CB re e-newsletters, events pages & forms, and server upgrades.
  • Emailed Trevor re server upgrade discussions.
  • Advised membership Officer re SIG promotion in e-newsletters.
  • Tidied up my to-do list for the next year.
  • Asked Jean B. where the LG job descriptions can be found.
  • Passed along a useful illustration to Angie & Diversity Comm.
  • Pointed LD Comm Chair to sources for job descriptions.
  • Wrote 3 more “articles” for Leader and Wired.
  • Asked AMC about posting the Statement of Member Rights & Responsibilities separately somewhere.
  • Initiated general discussion w/ Digital Media Officers on MC.
  • Began crafting Nat Pubs Policy from scratch. Sent google doc invites to staff.
  • A few hours of work on Nat Pubs policy crafting.
  • Zoom with CB.
  • Reviewed R1 websites.
  • More work on Nat Pubs policy crafting.
  • Reviewed R3 websites.
  • Reviewed R6 websites.
  • Reviewed R7 websites.
  • Reviewed R10 websites.
  • Discussed LG websites’ purpose with Marketing and Membership Officers.
  • Read and pondered an article about 5-Whys and how to apply it to solving  Mensa problems.
  • Wrote a Volunteerism column for the Bulletin.
  • Checked in on a privacy tweak requested by Jean B in December 2021.
  • Asked staff for process to keep Vol Marketplace up to date.
  • Attended AMC planning session and meeting.
  • Productive discussion with Marketing Officer and Executive Director about staff/volunteer issues and processes.
  • Reviewed Oct Bulletin. 
  • Reviewed Nov/Dec Bulletin.
  • Read Oct newsletters.
  • Read Nov newsletters.
  • Filled out Sept expense form-takes much longer than you’d expect!
  • Compared recent Leader and Wired content to what I’d provided (I’m not pleased).
  • Nudged staff on Pubs Policy google doc—again.
  • Read October LG newsletters.
  • More work on Pubs Policy.
  • Reviewed MC Community Admin Guide and identified next steps.
  • Played around with event listing in Mensa Connect sandbox.
  • Poked at adding a poll in a MC community (didn’t figure it out) then experimented successfully with Survey Monkey.
  • More work on Pubs Policy.
  • Sent survey to Pubs Officers re topics for next Zoom session.
  • Tons of work prepping Draft 2 of Nat Pubs Policy.
  • Nudged CommComm discussion.
  • Advised GLAAM LocSec on several issues.
  • Still more work on Nat Pubs policy.
  • Reviewed SM strategy written by Staff.
  • Zoom with CB.
  • Attended Minnesota RG.
  • Met with Linda S. to solve some MC editing issues.
  • Asked staff for info about NDAs that I can pass on to editors.
  • Proposed integrating high-level discussion time into AMC meetings.
  • Re-read entire Governance TF Report (2010).
  • Instructed Pubs Officer to carry on normally for November issues and that we’ll get the NDA forms and processes in place soon. Notified AMC of that action.
  • Nudged Tabby again about SM content for LG Comm Guide.
  • Prepped and sent fall letter to Pubs Officers.
  • Cheered when Staff prepared and uploaded a general NDA form for LGs to use.
  • Responded to many questions  re Fall Pubs Officers’ letter.
  • Began discussion with Beth & Jean re benefits of volunteering (for Bulletin column).
  • Checked back in with Digital Officers.
  • Created spreadsheet of which newsletters are not online and asked RVCs about them.
  • Answered another bazillion questions from Editors about NDAs.
  • Asked Marketing Officer for fodder for Bulletin column about LG Marketing/PR Officers.
  • Drafted Bulletin column about LG marketing officers.
  • Zoom with CB.
  • Began discussion with Marketing Officer re social media policy creation for LGs to use.
  • Asked Testing Officer for fodder for Bulletin column.
  • Initiated discussion on Digital Officers’ MC community about SM policy needs/wants for LGs.
  • Worked on incorporating MDA/NDA info into the LG Comm Guide draft.
  • Asked MN to return the LG COmm Guide draft despite not having time to give his input.
  • Reviewed and tweaked a Bulletin column with Chip.
  • Sought opinions from Membership and Marketing Officers about judging and turning off disappointing Lg sites in favor of a better regional one.
  • Poked around with calendar feature on MC and MC app.
  • Nudged Trevor about high-level governance talk necessary to get going on Pubs Policy.
  • Zoom with CB.
  • Wrote up list of next steps for improving volunteerism (for meeting with Lori).
  • Lengthy correspondence with a webmaster about their site’s appeal to potential or new members if it’s almost all pw protected not using the AML authentication.
  • Responded to an Area Cord. about FaceBook use and outreach options.
  • Discussed MC community for marketing officers creation and administration with staff and Marketing Officer.
  • Zoom with Pubs Officers (20 attended).
  • Nudged staff again to return the LG Com Guide draft so I can work on it even without their input.
  • Worked several hours on SM section of the LG Comm Guide.
  • Attended HalloweeM, including the Meet the AMC session.
  • Long discussion with new Chair about volunteerism next steps, strategic planning issues, and staff issues.
  • Long talk with key member regarding a bylaws amendment idea.
  • Created an abridged version of the Vol TF Report for sharing with LG leaders.
  • Edited draft of Bulletin column about Scholarship Chairs and Judges.
  • Dealt with member complaint regarding privacy and security of the auto-generated birthday messaged.
  • Zoom with CB.
  • Advised DVM LocSec about paper newsletter cost & solutions.
  • Advised RVC7 about finding time-sensitive info about virtual events.
  • Zoom with MN and Marielle about server upgrades and solutions for LG sites.
  • Created slides for presentation to the AMC about next steps for improving volunteerism.
  • Shared copy of Oct Bulletin Vol column with TJ.
  • Advised an editor about how to handle electronic distribution.
  • Several hours' work on LG Comm Guide.

Communications Committee
  • Began prepping a persuasive justification for including funds to upgrade AML servers in the 23-24 budget. Hours and hours.
  • More discussion about how to approach helping LGs do electronic elections.
  • Initiated creation of a list of newsletters that are not available on the AML website.
  • Finalized and sent email to editors about uploading virtual events to the national calendar.
  • Created spreadsheet and began reviewing all LG websites.
  • Discussed a 5 Whys Analysis of LG websites.
  • Long Zoom with Marielle about website solutions and approaches.
  • Added RVCs’ rankings of LGs’ volunteerism health to website spreadsheet to look for patterns.
  • Began discussing if it’s time to require LGs create and upload PDFs.
  • Added membership counts to website spreadsheet.
  • Found some LG’s Health/size and website quality correlations.
  • Discussed definition of “National Publications.”
  • Productive in-person talk about how to get the virtual events promotion project going again.
  • Shared a catch up status summary of all our projects.

Strategic Planning Committee
  • Wrote clear communications priorities and concerns for Strategic Planning Chair to use in his presentation to the AMC in December. 
  • Discussed how to take the rambling list of Mensa in the Future visions and align the Strat Plan in a way to enable progress towards that future. 

Marketing Committee
  • Solicited input for justifying the cost of a server upgrade.
  • Attended October committee zoom meeting.
  • Reviewed and commented extensively on draft of “Intro to Social Media and Local Chapters”

Name & Logo Committee

SIGs Advisory Committee
  • Weighed in on discussion of a Sudoko SIG.

National Awards Committee
  • Reminded Jean about Q reports due Nov 18.

MIL News Team
  • Initial conference call to get started.
  • Began brainstorming list of resources and topics to write articles about.
  • Set up Google Docs of storing content ready to be posted.

Friday, October 21, 2022



Shower Thoughts: Resources and Strategic Priorities

It occurs to me that we spend ~50% of our staff resources on services that benefit maybe 5% of our membership.

Why does the AMC spend so much time pondering

What's the best term—Ombudsman, Ombuds, or Ombudsperson?

instead of

What percentage of our resources should be allocated to which of our strategic priorities?

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Getting Members & Putting on Big Events—that's all

I have several projects in progress, and every single one grinds to a halt when I get to the point of needing staff input. I’ve nagged and kvetched and nagged, to no avail. At last I’ve discovered why I can’t get anything to the finish line.

It’s not that staff disapproves of my initiatives. It’s not that they don’t like me personally. 


The problem is that the staff has been given other priorities that take up all their time all year long:


January to April — Renewal season. 

April to July — AG preparation and implementation. It’s the big event and every year more and more has to be done by staff.

July to September — Post AG catch up and perhaps a vacation or two.

September to November — All the tech work for the next AG, MindGames, and Colloquium.

November to December — More AG/MindGames, & Colloquium work.

December to January —Holidays, vacations, and prepping for renewal season.


In other words, we’ve only hired enough staff to tend to getting members and making the big national events happen. That’s it.


There are no man-hours available for improving websites, creating new this or that, or even having thick discussions about how current processes and policies could be improved.


The solution is to either allocate more money to hire more staff OR to reassign some of the work to volunteers. Unfortunately, the first option doesn’t sit well with the members or the AMC, and the second option doesn’t sit well with the staff.


And we wonder why AML seems so clunky and behind the times.

Sunday, September 4, 2022

My TO DO LIST for Mensa

Did I mention that I'm hyper organized and a list-maker? And I set lofty goals?


• Review National e-newsletters’ content and subscriber processes & numbers to generate improvement ideas (on-going).

• Continued education and support for LG Pubs Officers (on-going).

By September 22:

• Prep for meeting w/ Trevor.

• Work on server upgrade justification.

• Energize engagement of LG webmasters and Social Media coordinators.

• Write 3 more “articles” for Leader & Wired.


By October 22:

• Update spreadsheet review of all LG websites.

• Follow up on Jean B & Matthew conversation from 12-12-21 re e-newsletters & LG contact flag.

• Write 3 more Bulletin columns on Volunteerism.

• Prep & send fall Editors’ Letter.

• Editors’ Zoom call.

• Webmasters’ Zoom call.

• Get going on Pubs Policy crafting.


By November 22:

• Arrange a virtual panel discussion with experts on Discord, Twitter, MeetUp, Instagram, and Mensa Connect.

• Create some instructions for community admins about the app and about the calendar feature.

• Promote the long list of web tools on the AML website so Webmasters don’t have to spend funds on outside vendors.

• Curate and promote all LG Zoom offerings on the National Site.

• Prepare persuasive argument for server upgrades.

• Editors’ Zoom call.

• Webmasters’ Zoom call.


By December 22:

• Arrange a virtual panel discussion specifically for Circulation Managers.

• Draft a Local Group Communications Guide (to replace the nearly 20-year-old Editors’ Handbook).

• Revise Publications Policy (Appendix 10).

• Energize engagement of LG webmasters and Social Media coordinators.

• Editors’ Zoom call.

• Webmasters’ Zoom call.


By January 23:

• Review onboarding message sent to new Editors & Webmasters & make note of any edits I want to see. Possibly re-send to all editors & webmasters, including reminder to update LG info on the AML listing page. Include reminder to update return address & why.

• Develop policy for how to communicate to the membership when big issues crop up.

• Editors’ Zoom call.

• Webmasters’ Zoom call.

• Prep & send winter Editors’ Letter.

• Investigate how Mensa might embrace MailChimp’s methodology for maintaining multiple lists.

By February 23:

• Editors’ Zoom call.

• Webmasters’ Zoom call.

• Bring up revision of ASIE  Finances and Business section of the ASIEs, Section Q:

Each National Special Interest Group (SIG) that produces a newsletter shall provide the National Office with a copy of its newsletter, electronically or via regular mail. The SIG should email the newsletter as prescribed by the National Office. If the SIG is unable to email the newsletter, the SIG shall be funded at 70 cents per printed issue mailed to the National Office upon request. 2004-089 03-Jul-2004 (last amended 05-Oct-13 by 2013-033g)

By March 23

• Prep & send spring Editors’ Letter.

• Editors’ Zoom call.

• Webmasters’ Zoom call.

• Dig into (and improve) security issues for outward-facing websites.


By April 23:

• Find a collection of volunteers who would be willing to create and maintain websites for LGs who can’t do it on their own.

• Energize and facilitate LGs’ use of social media.

• Develop and facilitate LG communications beyond uploaded PDFs of newsletters.

• Facilitate creation and maintenance of websites for LGs that don’t have any.

• Editors’ Zoom call.

• Webmasters’ Zoom call.

By May 23: 

 • Editors’ Zoom call.

• Webmasters’ Zoom call.

• Investigate LG web security and electronic voting issues and solutions.

By June 23:

• Editors’ Zoom call.

• Webmasters’ Zoom call.

• Investigate printing discounts if we centralize newsletter printing and distribution in some fashion.

By July 23:

• Editors’ Zoom call.

• Webmasters’ Zoom call.


















Wednesday, August 24, 2022

What I Really Did June-August 2022

Official quarterly reports never fully show what I do.

Note that this "quarter" was short- comprising only 10 weeks instead of the 12 or more of other "quarters."

Communications Officer

  • Gave heads-up to Marketing and Membership Officers to think about National Advertising policy.
  • Nudged CB about looking at the draft of the LG Comm Guide, since I’m stuck until staff goes over it.
  • Worked website portion of the LG Comm Guide.
  • Read all online July LG newsletters.
  • Read all online August LG newsletters.
  • Read all online September newsletters
  • Gathered screenshots of incorrect boilerplates and indicia and prepared some AMC education.
  • Reviewed August Bulletin.
  • Reviewed September Bulletin.
  • Requested update of AML website to reflect current version of Appendix 23.
  • Long zoom meeting with Marketing Officer to talk about websites & social media.
  • Wrote 3 volunteerism columns for Bulletin.
  • Began deep dive review of LG websites.
  • Introduced crowd-sourcing for LG Comm Guide to Digital Officers.
  • Discussed website  section of LG Comm Guide with Tabby and Lana.
  • Reviewed and asked questions re Consolidated Financial Statements.
  • Nudged CB for the third time in two weeks to respond to my emails.
  • Zoom with Lana re MC and web training topics.
  • Mucked around with WordPress to figure out how to get started using Lana’s template.
  • Gave up and began writing a section describing the status quo re LG sites.
  • Discussed with a concerned member some amendments to a motion on the upcoming AMC agenda.
  • Crowd-sourced beginning steps for creating a website.
  • Forwarded phishing email to CB with a suggestion that a warning about it be included in the next Mensa Leader. Suggestion was not acknowledged.
  • Asked Tabby & Lana for any info they might have collected assessing the skill levels of LG Webmasters.
  • Long catch-up call with CB. Stressed that LG communications and I are being neglected and that we need to improve this.
  • More work on web section of LG Comm Guide.
  • Asked staff (again) to fix CommComm MP ad so it doesn’t imply all positions are full. Eventually figured it out myself.
  • Began work on AML Branding section of LG Comm Guide.
  • Attended AMC meeting and ABM at the AG.
  • Gave two formal LDW presentations and led two other casual M&G sessions.
  • Responded to member’s concern regarding moderation on MC.
  • Discussed again with CB about making LG Communications more of a priority this next year.
  • Nudged again for more useful topics in Mensa Leader and Wired.
  • Reviewed report from Hearings Comm.
  • Discussed with Bylaws Chair some issues with the amended MDA.
  • Removed a thread in MC at the request of the RR chair.
  • Drafted motion to fix the amended MDA.
  • Discussed covid survey issue with Timmy and Trevor.
  • Posted a covid exposure message to MWM community for a member having tech issues.
  • Reviewed June Staff report and responded with questions and comments.
  • Reviewed ExComm’s goals for Trevor and sent comments to Timmy. Did not receive acknowledgement.
  • Long reply on a M-Leaders MC thread about newsletters.
  • Bought plane tickets for Sept AMC meeting.
  • Prepped and turned in expense reimbursement forms.
  • Returned to reviewing and crafting Nat Pubs and Advertising policy updates.
  • Informed staff that a link on the AML website was broken.
  • Wrote long email to Trevor re why National Pubs and Advertising policy needs updating. Discussed that a better approach might be to start from scratch.
  • Wrote thoughts on potential strategic goals for AMC planning session in Sept.
  • Continued back and forth with member unhappy with MC moderation. Hit my patience limit; told him his options and that I’m a dead end for what he wants.
  • Apprised the new Ombudsperson of the brewing situation re MC and the member unhappy with moderation policies.
  • Requested help from staff to fix borked edit functions in Mensa Connect.
  • Discussed with Membership Officer how to promote SIGs to members needing engagement opportunities and sent request to Hilary to create an ad for LG newsletters to use.
  • Zoom with Membership Officer re shared goals, staff issues, and solutions.
  • Requested meeting with Trevor, Mem Officer, Marketing officer at the Sept meeting.
  • Added a topic to the AMC planning session of how to keep track of old research and reports that could be useful solving current problems.
  • Asked Eric Werme questions about LG periodicals. Spent hours reading and writing educational explanations of the pros and cons of all endorsement options.
  • Prepared and sent Summer Letter to Pubs Officers.
  • Long call with CB re periodicals requirements for LGs, LG Comm Guide progress, Mensa Leader and Wired content , software, and nudged National Pubs and Ad policy, and using the AML website event calendar for virtual events hosted by LGs.
  • Advised RVC1 about MC moderation challenges.
  • Responded to a YM who wants to get involved.
  • Nudged EWNI editor to the Pubs Officers library.
  • Discussed formatting issues of Ombud’s column with Bulletin Editor.
  • Discussed possible motion to expand and clarify (but not change at the core) ASIE regarding LG’s use of NO address and USPS Return Address Service.
  • Discussed mutual projects and aid with Membership Officer.
  • Helped a member find his LG newsletter on the website.
  • Participated in AMC discussions on Mensa Connect.
  • Pointed out  to IT staff that Pandemic RG is shown 3 times on the front page of the AML site.
  • Discussed technicalities of adding an 11 yo to CommComm.
  • Responded to Editors’ questions  stemming from the summer letter.
  • Emailed Trevor and Timmy with thoughts about Strategic Planning.
  • Weekly call with CB- listing and promoting virtual events, SIG promotion and authentication issues.
  • Started thread in M-Leaders about how volunteering gives a sense of ownership.
  • Forwarded change of address from a member.
  • Sent summer Editors’ letter to a few people who didn’t get it via Mensa Connect.
  • Alerted staff to repetition of an event every day for over a year on the National Events calendar.
  • Drafted a motion proposal for the IBD ExComm to discuss regarding members’ rights vs members’ safety.
  • Responded to a member trying to accept the new TOS.
  • Sent Q Report reminder and other discussion topics to Nat Awards Chair.
  • Responded on M-Leaders about correlations involving newsletters’ content.
  • Alerted Staff to a surname misspelling on the AML Awards page.
  • Requested help with Volunteerism articles for Bulletin from Nat Ombudsman and Membership Officer.
  • Pubs Officer zoom call- 19 attended.
  • Nudged Staff re Awards video and sending out certificates/plaques, and pins.
  • Discussed Volunteerism column with Bulletin Editor.
  • Wrote quarterly reports ( this actually takes an hour or more).
  • Looked into adding SIG editors to the MC Pubs Officer community. Hit a precedence wall with staff so initiated a work-around.
  • Questioned why content of Leader is repeated despite having given a long list of content ideas.
  • Wrote a blog post about effective Leaders and Servants.
  • Advised RVC7 and Denver LocSec regarding a FB administrative conflict.
  • Long zoom call with CB.
  • Long email to Trevor about several staff centric topics. 
  • Filled out DiSC survey in preparation for AMC planning session ( I'm Dominant, focused on results, and easily frustrated and annoyed by others' perceived incompetence- no surprise there!

Communications Committee
  • Drafted Big Audacious Goals for Mensa Communications
  • Sent intro email to new committee members with BAG and little goals.
  • Resent goals and what projects I hope each person will work on.
  • Began assigning projects to committee members.
  • Began assembling a spreadsheet of LG newsletters from which to gather and curate all virtual offerings that could be made more widely available to other members.
  • Lots of discussion about  best methods for gathering and promoting LG virtual offerings.
  • Shared another set of columns to be added to the Pubs Officers’ library.
  • Began discussion of how to help LGs implement electronic voting. Asked LocSecs what they need.
  • Began discussion  about how to improve LG websites.

Strategic Planning Committee
  • Made suggestions for how the committee might remain useful after the AMC’s newest Vision Quest.

Marketing Committee

Name & Logo Committee

SIGs Advisory Committee
  • Voted to approve a new SIG

National Awards Committee
  • Nagged Staff about video and sending pins, plaques, and certificates as well as planning to do better next year.

Effective Leaders...and Servants

As an AMC person, I’m often labeled as a “leader” in Mensa. And while I do lead committees and discussions, most of my work is done as a servant to the members and organization.


I recently read an interesting article about being an effective leader:




 If you want something, ask for it . . . Go get it.



Be passionate about the area you’re leading; how else can you empower and motivate teams around you?



Without the confidence to speak in front of groups or even infront of a small team you’re leading, it’s tough to effectively.



Habitual negativity is a slippery slope. Effective leaders shift their mindset to invoke positivity in those around them. Something that may have been an “issue” or “problem” can instead be an opportunity to improve. A positive influence is infectious—and makes the work more enjoyable for you and your employees.



Let the work, results, and performance speak for themselves, rather than talking about how great you are. Leaders with big egos and self-centered behavior eventually hit a wall. 



Effective leaders tend to be “good or better” in most or all categories of leadership, such as people management, the ability to sell and deliver or produce results, interpersonal skills, relationship-building skills, and more.



Relationships are everything. That starts with being genuine, investing time in these relationships, respecting all opinions, and being mindful of how you treat people. 



Being committed to deadlines in addition to effort builds credibility and shows stakeholders that you are reliable and trustworthy, which often leads to additional responsibilities. 



Finding balance across mind, body, and spirit will keep effective leaders sharp, focused, and able to sustain their positive impact in the long term. 



Whether it’s training, reading, or side projects, even the most senior leaders never stop learning. Particularly now, in 2022, when technology is changing faster than most humans are capable of adapting, if you aren’t a continuous learner, you will eventually be left behind.



Demonstrate that you can handle a role with minimal supervision. If you’re independently capable, a next obvious step will be to lead and guide others.



Covering many types of assignments and roles is useful to become well-rounded, but at some point, it helps to become a subject matter expert—the acknowledged go-to person.


You know what? All these steps make for better servants, too.

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Brick Walls

Every project I set out to work on lately is running into a wall at the stage where I need information from someone else. While this happens all year long, it's particularly bad between April and June, when all of AML seems to shut down except for handling renewals and preparing for the AG.

That's a quarter of the year when progress on anything else grinds to a halt. I am beyond frustrated.

Lately I've been trying to work on the section of the LG Communications Guide that covers websites. There is ZERO training, and few resources provided by AML. Further complicating matters is the resources AML does offer are so outdated that they can't be used with the other resources developed by the Marketing Committee (WordPress templates). And those templates, while pretty and well-crafted, require a novice webmaster to know far far more than they do.

Everyone seems to be working in individual silos with no one coordinating and no one really considering their audience or applying appropriate education techniques. No wonder LGs are floundering.

Well damn, Robin, this sounds like a communication issue. If only AML had a proper Communications Officer to sort it all out.


Tuesday, May 31, 2022

What I really Did Feb-June 2022

The formal Quarterly Reports to the AMC don't really show what gets done on a granular level.  I keep track, and perhaps this will be helpful to future Comm Officers or Chairs trying to find a Comm Officer.

 February 25  — June 16, 2022

Communications Officer
  • Created outline of Comm Guide & referenced pre-written sections
  • Facilitated crowd-sourcing discussions with editors re what to include in a Comm Guide.
  • Read 104 newsletters
  • Requested meeting with NO staff regarding using AML resources to better help LGs create and maintain websites
  • Asked Jennifer Jewel to review draft of Editors’ Survey.
  • Corresponded with Editor of a small group about newsletter issues and options, including sending a mock up of a more efficient layout.
  • Researched official AML pantone colors and fonts.
  • Proffread Editors’ Survey before it goes out.
  • Nudged on server / PHP upgrade progress I was promised last November.
  • Directed member inquiry about SIGs to SiGs Officer.
  • Discussed advertising policy for LG newsletters with Editors.
  • Met with Charles in person regarding Communications topics.
  • Attended March AMC meeting.
  • Consulted with Ex Dir, Chair, and 1st VC on how to handle communications resulting from an Exec Session decision.
  • Helped RVC1 with a MC moderation issue.
  • Reviewed April/May Bulletin.
  • Reviewed June Bulletin.
  • Circled back with Staff on how to handle mention of paper directories in the bylaws, then passed the topic to the Bylaws Comm Chair.
  • Responded to an RVC’s question about how CAN-SPAM and using Mailchimp fit together.
  • Reviewed tasks handed out by the Strat Planning Comm and reported to AMC on my progress.
  • Made suggestion to BAD and Timmy on a new approach to the Criminal Acts TF problem.
  • Nudged AMC regarding cleaning up and tending to Vol MP listings.
  • Reached out to a few people to dig up old Mensa Member demographics (for my LDW on volunteerism).
  • Crowd-sourced input on photo-editing software options for Editors.
  • Discussed with Bylaws Comm Chair and then AMC changes to the MDA as a result of March’s Appendix 15 motions.
  • Intervened in Region 9 MC community to tend to an admin/moderation request from the RVC.
  • Gently admonished a LG editor for political humor of questionable taste.
  • Nudged about TOS update again. Nudged again a month later.
  • Nudged a few people to respond to a member wanting to start a SIG.
  • Nudged CB on a list of IT topics I sent a couple weeks ago.
  • Long phone call with CB about several issues.
  • Crowd-sourced suggestions for free clip art.
  • Reviewed and summarized results of Editors’ Survey and identified action items.
  • Requested help from Dan Burg regarding Guide section covering copyright and libel.
  • Nudged AMC re MDA changes.
  • Briefly discussed paper/printing price increases and options with Bulletin staff.
  • Asked Eric Werme for help on Guide section covering newsletter distribution.
  • Sent spring letter to Editors.
  • Finished up Members’ Rights & Responsibilities document and shared with AMC.
  • Tended to a complaint about moderation in the AG 2022  MC community.
  • Tended to member’s complaint about being moderated again in Region 1 MC community.
  • Discussion with Trevor re Bulletin Advertising policy & process.
  • Nudged AMC about making use of the Vol Marketplace.
  • Nudged AMC about finishing the Rights & Responsibilities (CoC) document.
  • Purchased a pro-license for Zoom calling with officers.
  • Responded to a LocSec regarding newsletter requirements.
  • Participated in discussions with Editors about improving the MC library for sharing content.
  • Long phone call with member about her concerns regarding MC administration.
  • Reached out to a columnist about reprinting articles in other newsletters, and began uploading content to the Pubs Officers’ MC library.
  • Pointed out out-of-date indicia to a few editors.
  • Phone call with Timmy re next term and other issues.
  • Responded individually to more than 20  queries about upcoming MC TOS update.
  • Successful Zoom call with Pubs officers- 28 on the call.
  • Contacted a couple columnists asking for articles to share with other newsletters.
  • Disappointed a member pressuring me to override MC decisions made by her RVC. Several times. Suggested she preference to another region
  • Long email discussion with Trevor about patterns of Board stalling on implementing large projects.
  • Prepped and uploaded 33 articles to Pubs Officer library.
  • Facilitated AMC online discussion of volunteerism report and ideas.
  • Messaged all MC Admins regarding the TOS update and their administrative autonomy.
  • Requested (again) that the Minimum Standards for ICS page on the AML website be updated per the March 2022 motion.
  • Call with CB re Mensa Leader & Wired schedules & content.
  • Requested I Made Mensa Better badge ribbons for the AG.
  • Whipped up a basic template for new TJM editor and sent supportive information and documents.
  • Recruited a few more clowns for MC Admin sandbox so I can figure out work-arounds for wonky threading when moderating.
  • Asked Chip if he has any Bulletin content LG newsletters can use.
  • Uploaded directions for downloadable graphics and ads for newsletters to use.
  • Sent CB list of Wired & Leader content ideas I’d sent back in Oct.
  • Posted link and graphic directions for navigating to the Pubs Officers’ Library.
  • Uploaded more content to Pubs Officers Library.
  • Call with Trevor re volunteer program and other issues.
  • Zoom with LocSecs to talk about websites and SM options and pros/cons
  • Posted links and info to LocSecs about MC instructional videos
  • Mucked around in the Admin Sandbox testing moderation technicalities.
  • Advised an RVC regarding a LG using membership addresses via Google Groups.
  • Did more work on the Members’ Rights & Responsibilities document and motion to codify.
  • Wrote article for Bulletin on national e-newsletters.
  • Wrote  3 Bulletin Volunteer Spotlight columns.
  • Researched newsletter distribution information.
  • Phone call with Timmy regarding him driving AMC discussions and actions stemming from Vol TF Report (followed by no action).
  • Requested editing help from Staff on newsletter distribution barcoding section of LG Comm Guide.
  • Crowd-sourced Pubs Officers re e-pub distribution techniques. 
  • Wrote up a motion to align the MDA with Appendix 15 changes back in March.
  • Phone call with CB about Bulletin and other communications topics.
  • Researched and wrote LG Comm Guide section about printing and web-viewing resolutions.

Communications Committee
  • Sent Editors’ Survey to Staff for Survey Monkey formatting and implementation.
  • Asked for input on graphic showing which content is appropriate for which communication venue. No response from committee members.
  • Nudged on goals and projects. No response from committee members.
  • Shared Editors Survey results summary. No response from committee members.
  • Crafted and posted ad for 22-23 CommComm.
  • Sent message to committee members thanking them, asking for feedback, and pointing them to the application for next term. No Response from committee members.
  • Sent emails to potential CommComm members for next term.

Volunteerism Task Force
  • Asked M-Leaders and LocSec MC communities to discuss Volunteer Categories—Time, Skills, Needs & Treatment
  • Bumped topic for RVCs re cultural attributes of low-ranking groups.
  • Added Mary Lee Kemper to the TF.
  • Wrote up section on LG culture’s effect on volunteerism.
  • Emailed three TF members who I never hear from to check if they’re still onboard.
  • Solicited members from M-Hospitality who do NOT have much Mensa vol experience to be fresh eyes for the report and to generate recommendations.
  • Drafted write up of conversation with Lora Mitchell regarding processes for members who drive off volunteers, then sent it to her for editing and expansion.
  • Nudged TF members to generate recommendations.
  • Hours and hours of typesetting and graphics tweaking.
  • Guided and facilitated proofing process.
  • Figured out how to incorporate a review of a paper-only copy of the old Leadership Retreat Guide.
  • Reached out to a few more people for any lingering recommendations to include.
  • Finalized report and shared with AMC.

Strategic Planning Committee
  • Brainstormed possible measurements if we add Volunteerism as a tenet of the Strat Plan.
  • Discussed and discussed if and how to incorporate Volunteerism into the Strategic Plan.
  • Suggested education for the AMC about the finer hidden details of the SP. 
  • Drafted motion wording to incorporate volunteerism as a focus of the Value component of the Strategic Plan.

Marketing Committee
  • All committee work is done via a FB group instead of MC. I have not been added to the FB group, so I did not participate in any discussions or decisions.

Name & Logo Committee
  • Finally got added to the committee in late May.

SIGs Advisory Committee
  • Facilitated help for a member wishing to start a non-secular Bible study SIG.

National Awards Committee
  • Sent reminder to Chair about quarterly reports.

Saturday, May 7, 2022

The Solution to Everything: Form a Task Force

There is a pattern where information is requested, but no action is taken once it’s provided. Why is that? 

My thoughts:

Mensa is a social organization. The people running it are therefore most invested and knowledgable about being social.

The Board is comprises people who are there because they like being involved, and who enjoy the social aspects of Mensa, and are thus well-known to voters. We get few AMC people who are genuinely skilled at being board members. Few who are there because they get a kick out of doing non glorious often tedious work out of the public eye. Nearly half this current AMC ran unopposed and were just declared elected because no one else felt like taking the roles.

We are all good at identifying areas that need improvement—funding allotments, governance structures, communication processes, making members happy and motivated, managing assholes, etc. So with the best of intentions, the AMC declares that they will address an issue by forming a task force to... um... to well do task force things and... um... well you know, address the problem. There. The Board is tackling the problem. Yay Board!

They assume “someone” will do the work of looking up ASIEs or crunching the numbers or writing the communication releases. No one wants to be that someone.

Some task forces return with a list of how to solve the problem. But then that list is handed over and no one knows how to drive the next fifty million steps to implement any solutions because we usually don’t have leaders and drivers- we have popular socialites. Additionally, often the recommended solutions require change that will make the AMC members uncomfortable— either because they’ll have to face howling members or they’ll have to give up some privilege.

Occasionally they will dig around for the quickest easiest solution so they feel like they did something. Need a better funding formula? Meh— just give everyone an extra dime and call it a day. Board struct too unwieldy and ineffective? Just toss the past and past past chairs, congratulate yourselves on decreasing the cost of their travel, and pat yourselves on the back.

But tear apart the funding structure, managing a brand new never-done process, explaining the nuances of how it really IS fair even though it might look like some Groups get more and some get less to members who want and hate change... too much work.

Improve finances? Slice the biggest expense and get rid of a staff or two.

Alter processes so that genuine skill instead of popularity at RGs is what gets you the delightful free travel and fame and glory... um... who wants to plot their own demise?

Get the ball rolling on a change that will take three or four years to come to fruition (because of the timelines of bylaw changes at AML or Mil level)? Why bother when this board won’t be here to get the credit and glory for it?

Have the battle with the IBD to change the constitution to enable easier removal of bad apples... waaaay too intimidating a prospect.

But form a task force... that’s an immediate thing to do that doesn’t require any actual doing.

Why Do I Even Bother?

“We need a new formula for better LG funding."
Robin researches, surveys, crunches numbers, researches more, develops fancy spreadsheets and graphs.

“Here you go—a better way to fund Groups.”

... crickets.

“We need to improve our governance structure and systems.”
Robin researches , surveys, crunches numbers, researches more, develops spreadsheets and graphs.

“Here you go—a whole list of ways to improve our governance.”

... crickets.

“We need a comprehensive Code of Conduct.”
Robin gathers everything we already have and puts it into readable form.

“Here you go—a CoC that doesn’t require any additional motions.”

... crickets.

“We need to improve the quantity and happiness of volunteers.”
Robin researches , surveys, crunches numbers, researches more, develops spreadsheets and graphs.

“Here you go—more than a hundred ways to increase volunteerism.”


Thursday, April 21, 2022

Leading Mensans



I have so many projects I'm passionate about and trying to get to the finish line. Unfortunately, over and over and over I get to a stage where I simply MUST have input from another person or people, and then I wait.

And wait.

And wait.

Or I'll give the AMC a big chunk of something to chew on, one or two will nibble at it, and then... silence.

All this frustration reminded me about this graphic:

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

LG Communications Guide

So yeah, I was bored and decided to take on a giant project that's been waiting decades to get done. I'm updating the ancient Editors' Handbook and turning it into a LG Communications Guide that will cover newsletters, websites, and social media.

I've been working on it for about 2 months and am rounding the corner on having the newsletter portion 80% done, plus a few other bits and pieces that apply to everything. 

Friday, April 1, 2022

Appendix 15

I was just reminded that I was the mover back in 2011 of the motion to put a whole bunch of ASIEs regarding member information and privacy into one document which ultimately became Appendix 15.

I'd totally forgotten! I wonder what else on the books came from my pen that I don't remember doing.

Monday, March 21, 2022

The March 2022 AMC Meeting

The AMC meeting at the National Office went well this past weekend. It was long and covered a lot of topics, but things were calm, respectful, and productive. All the motions I put forward passed, including revision of Appendix 23, aka the Elephant!

There seems to be growing excitement and anticipation about the results of my Volunteerism Task Force, which gives me even more motivation and hopes for improvement.

All in all, I'm feeling positive.

Friday, February 18, 2022

What I Did Oct 23, 2021 – Feb 25, 2022

The official quarterly reports tend be summaries of highlights rather than a full list of all the this and that sorts of things I spent my time on. Here is where I list everything. Partly to give myself a pat on the back and partly for the next Communications Officer.

Communications Officer

  • Asked CB to confirm that ACE Awards are no longer and to update the website accordingly.
  • Asked past Comm Officers what they know about Com3
  • Some back and forth with Tim V and staff about a couple members not being able to  have access to their regional MC community. Responded to the people who’d been suspended from the Region 8 MC—basically told them it’s not my bailiwick.
  • Dug into whatever became of Com3, which is still listed in the TOS for MC.
  • Reviewed Nov/Dec Bulletin
  • Teleconference with staff and Vogt about MC issues and needs.
  • Mucked around learning how to be an admin on MC.
  • Long phone call with CommComm member about ideas and training materials.
  • Drafted intro post to new MC community for admins. Learned that there is great need for manuals and training.
  • Two hour zoom call with staff to learn how to be a super admin.
  • Participated in a Meet the AMC session at HalloweeM.
  • Consulted with Lead MC Moderator on improved wording for automated moderation messages.
  • Sent a letter to LG communications people covering return addresses, communication preferences, and using MC for sharing content fodder.
  • Curated library content of Pubs Officer MC community.
  • Long productive video conf with IT and Comm staff regarding many topics: Mensa Connect use, training, & promotion; AML’s servers and PHP upgrade plans; Wordpress sites on and off the AML server, LG Editors’ software & content; how the NO can safeguard LGs’ Facebook presence if the member who created it stomps off in a huff; and Website organization.
  • Checked back and closed out on suggestions made for onboarding email to editors.
  • Nudged CB again for a few things on the September and October request list.
  • Helped several editors find the library section of their MC community.
  • Updated the MC TOS, but did not implement it yet.
  • Attended AMC meeting in Charlotte & presented an LDW on Communications.
  • Created graphic explanation of Comm Pref options.
  • Asked Writer’s SIG for contributions to the Editors' library.
  • Worked with RVC2 to draft a document of members’ rights & responsibilities.
  • Responded to more inquiries about Oral History Project communications.
  • Filled out form to do a M&G session at the 2022 AG.
  • Clarified newsletter indicia information and LG membership directory rules for LG Editors.
  • Wrote article about Mensa Connect for Bulletin.
  • Began clarifying regulations about Known Office of Publication for LG newsletters using periodicals permits.
  • Discussed policy on advertising in the Bulletin with Marketing Officer and Bulletin editor. Upon discovering that there IS no formal policy for advertising in the Bulletin, directed the Editor: "Going forward from any current contractual advertising obligations, limit the Bulletin space sold to any other High IQ society to no more than a half page.” (and then added “Create Bulletin Advertising Policy” to my to-do list.)
  • Drafted advertising policy for national publications.
  • Attended Webinar on using WordPress.
  • Discussed with RVC2 ways to prevent negative behavior in Mensa instead of just punishing after the fact .
  • Checked in on pubs officers MC community.
  • Worked with Marketing and Membership Officers to resolve and clarify processes for advertising RGs while still respecting members’ communications preferences.
  • Call with CB about CAN-SPAM,member directories, process for informing LGs of policy changes, and preparing to review Appendix 10 (Publications Policy)
  • Reviewed Jan Bulletin
  • Drafted notice of TOS change for MC to be sent to everyone in January but this got postponed.
  • Discussed with Marketing Officer logistics of a repository for training videos.
  • Conferenced with Membership and Marketing Officers regarding development of a college-outreach program.
  • Responded to member asking data privacy questions.
  • Reviewed and commented on Bulletin Survey formatting. Reviewed Bulletin survey results. 
  • Attended AMC virtual meeting in January.
  • Reviewed February Bulletin.
  • Consulted on a potential PR issue resulting from a LG newsletter article.
  • Began revising Publications Policy (Appendix 10). Decided to postpone working on it until next term.
  • Prepped and presented housekeeping motions for Appendix 15 (Info Privacy). and ASIE 2006-019. 
  • Worked with Membership and Marketing Officers to revise wording of motions from November regarding member privacy preferences and to develop processes for keeping members informed about  how to update their preferences.
  • Emailed CB to check in because I haven’t heard from him in a while. Then a long catch-up phone call.
  • Shuttled some members’ complains about moderation Region 8 back and forth between relevant parties.
  • Presented report to AMC about the Bulletin Survey results.
  • Alerted GY Comm chair to a pertinent thread in Community Admins.
  • Arranged travel for March AMC meeting.
  • Wrote a long detailed email to the new Utah Webmaster about musts and should and resources. 
  • Nudged AMC motions along.
  • Began working on updating the Editors’ Handbook.
  • Facilitated solving a member’s strong request for NO paper ever from Mensa.
  • Reviewed March Bulletin.
  • Advised an RVC on moderating issues.
  • Participated in or at least monitored discussions on many MC communities.
  • Dashed off a few ideas and  descriptions for LDWs to give at the AG.
  • Participated as a member of the Strategic Planning and SIGs Advisory committees.

Communications Committee
  • Added Michael F,
  • Tweaked draft of Editors Survey
  • Michael conducted a 4 question PHONE survey of all 124 LocSecs to find out what software is used for newsletters, what SM venues are used, and a bit about LG websites. Results are interesting and generating many items on the growing To-Do list.
  • Created a training video on the basics of using Mensa Connect.
  • Created training videos on the basics of Administrating/Moderating Mensa Connect.
  • Reviewed and  updated  Appendix 23: Policy And Guidelines For Administrators Of Internet Communication Services (this was a massive project to update a 17 year old policy). After almost 3 months of work, there was barely enough support from the committee members to send this on to the AMC for consideration.
  • Tried one last time to get committee members to contribute edit suggestions.
  • Presented draft motion to the AMC for comments before submitting as a formal motion. Received very little discussion.
  • Discussed draft illustration of what content can go out via which LG communication venue.

Volunteerism Task Force
  • Reviewed an old LDWs on the topic.
  • Reframed some questions topics and posted to get everyone back on task. Bumped a few times.
  • Looked at massive data pull staff did to correlate each groups’ geographical square milage and general population density.
  • Generated and refined a list of volunteer role categories in Mensa.
  • Reviewed and re-posted questions the TF wants to answer.
  • Drafted Vol MP ad for a spreadsheet wizard.
  • Wrote up more reviews of LDWs.
  • Drafted scale for RVCs to use to rank their groups’ volunteerism levels. Nudged a few times.
  • Wrote up summaries of two more articles.
  • Discussed AML’s current “Volunteer management system” with Trevor.
  • Asked RVCs to rank their groups volunteerism levels.
  • Created second draft of formal report so far.
  • Nudged.
  • Input RVC rankings so far into the spreadsheet and nudged the rest to get their data to me. Nudged again a month later. Nudged again a few weeks after that. Eventually got them all to respond.
  • Drafted a motion for establishment of this TF since apparently that never got formally done.
  • Reached out to Gen X and Gen Y SIGs to find a spreadsheet person—was inundated with offers.
  • Added two more members to the TF to help with data analysis and began diving deeper into correlations.
  • Nudged on several topics to get the group going again.
  • Read and summarized more articles.
  • Facilitated discussions of topics. Nudged.
  • Dug into how the replacement of the old PDQ is used.
  • Began brainstorming recommendations.
  • Did a quick survey of LocSecs on MC about using the member interests and areas of expertise reports to find volunteers.
  • Asked in M-Hospitality for someone with a background in sociology to help me understand the concept of "social capital" (after getting no responses from TF members for over a month).

Strategic Planning Committee
  • Participated in discussions about projects and who should “own” them in the next year or two.
  • Participated in discussions  about a new quarterly report form.

Marketing Committee
  • Nada- I think they do all their discussions on Facebook and I haven't been added to that group . 

SIGs Advisory Committee
  • I voted to approve a couple of new SIGs.

Name & Logo Committee
  • I'm supposed to be on this per ASIE, but have not been added yet.