Saturday, September 22, 2007

The Mensa Foundation: More than Just Scholarships

How does the Mensa Foundation support research on intelligence if it doesn’t give out money to researchers?

In the academic world, one must research, which is usually funded by grants from various places. Then one must publish the findings in respected journals. Without getting published, a researcher would be unable to get additional grant money. However, someone has to pay for the physical publication and distribution. That's one of the things The Mensa Foundation does: it provides a respected journal for researchers.

The Mensa Research Journal is considered very prestigious in educational fields, but there are costs involved in obtaining release of license for the re-publication of some of the leading articles in giftedness and intelligence from all over the world. Of the articles published that are original, there is a great deal of time devoted by highly qualified volunteers to review each article for accuracy, scientific methodology, statistical accuracy, and relevancy with the goals and objectives of both the Foundation and AML.

By doing such a bang-up job putting together the MRJ, the Mensa Foundation supports and encourages research into intelligence and similar topics. Without such publications, researchers would be unable to publish their work, their funding would dry up, and progress in the field would dwindle.

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