Saturday, March 6, 2010

RVC Vacancies

Hoo boy... here we go!

This is a series of proposed bylaws amendments to make it possible to replace RVCs via a vote of LocSecs in the region. Also covered is removal of AMC members for cause--again, by the LocSecs.
Lederman spoke against it. Conti spoke against it. Conti moves to amend the motions to put  it on the agenda at the ABM.  Burg did not accept this as a friendly amendment. Norris seconds the amendment.

I move to postpone  this until we receive recommendations from the Governance Task Force. Conti seconds. Burg says put this on ballot now, and if the governance task force comes up with something between now and next spring, then fine, we'll withdraw this proposal. Cyndi agrees with Dan.
Conti asks for closed session to discuss a pending legal issue germane to this topic.

(my notes stop for now, obviously)

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