Thursday, March 18, 2010

Mission Statements

Sometimes I just read and muse about leadership in general. I occasionally pick up gems from the Acronym blog.

On March 17, there was a post about mission statements... which have always annoyed me as just pretty words that, although agreeable, carry as much practical governance use as "Air is good to breathe."

Anyway, this blog writer  wrote that he wanted
"something that will help me justify killing a program or choosing one idea over another."


Use as many or as few pretty words as necessary, but come up with a mission / vision / strategic plan / mantra that can, in a very practical sense, guide the active decisions we need to make on a daily basis.

Does AML have such a thing? 


1 comment:

Fred Grosby said...

AML has more than enough pretty words. It has a Strategic Plan and a mission statement and a vision statement and a goals statement and every other sort of consultantese one could imagine. But are these pretty words the means to an end, or are they just pretty words for their own sake?