Saturday, March 6, 2010

NomComm and Past Chairs

Item C8: Mark's changes to the Nom Comm. Basically that the NomComm should be doing a little bit of vetting of candidates, based on pre-established criteria for each position. Jean is suggesting several edits to this complex motion. My eyes are glazing over. Concerns about the NomComm list of people they did NOT approve being released to the general membership.

Motion for Becker's amendment taking out the list of who they did not bless passed. I am too lazy to type who voted how. sorry. Not close, but not a landslide. I voted for this amendment.

Now discussing the vetting concept. Norris: What is objective about "record of proven achievement?" Betsy & Conti change "best qualified" to "well qualified." Lederman points out that with this system, it is possible that the NomComm turns down, as unqualified, all candidates for a particular office.

Motion Passes (Nays: Norris Lederman Pannke-Smith)

Item C9 Motion about removing Past Chair and Past Past Chair

Norris wishes to postpone until report of Governance Task Force. Motion to postpone passes (Nay: Crawford, Bevard, Sanford)

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