Monday, December 28, 2009

Just Some Rambling

I plan to start weeding through the bazillion rambling, accusatory emails I've received about AML's finances in order to identify what actual questions I can answer. I know I already answered the big one, "Is AML going bankrupt?" (Not that my answer was acknowledged or believed.) A big component will be to find a way to explain how the liabilities are actually assets; that was the key to understanding for me, and it kinda blew me away when I got my crash course in GAAP.

I wonder why Mensans insist on more and more answers, proofs, and explanations when the responses they get from people "in the know" don't match the conclusions they have already formed before asking the question in the first place.

I wonder why Mensans are so quick to conclude that any other Mensan who disagrees must be an idiot or lying or acting as a mindless sheep.

This Finance Committee meeting in January will be my 6th one. I think only Cyndi has been to more (she was the RVC on the committee when I took over for Tim, so I assume she'd been to the meeting in 2004, as well).

1 comment:

Fred Grosby said...

Ignore them. Do not validate their foolishness by responding to it. All of the reasonable questions have been asked and answered.