Saturday, December 5, 2009

How am I?

I went to a party recently, and everyone kept asking “How are you?” with that tone of voice than meant they really wanted to know, as opposed to just being the standard polite thing to say. It was really nice to realize how many caring friends I have. Apparently, I posted a few alarming status updates on Facebook and then never posted any updates. Oops.

So here’s the scoop: my dad’s stroke was really bad, and recovery prognosis is neither hopeless, nor particularly bright.  I went to visit over Thanksgiving week; I did not hit the peacock that crossed the road as I drove through the Smoky Mountains and I had a wonderful time getting to visit my cousin Donna, who came up from Vicksburg.

Now they have diagnosed lung cancer, and we will know more next week about the degree of severity of that so my mother can have all the information with which to make some difficult decisions. No one wants an enemy, let alone a family member, to endure as my father is now for any longer than necessary.

Freya, my dog, was ill, then seemed to recover with some meds and a special diet, but is now ill again (diarrhea with blood—ick). I have not gone back to the vet because they had diagnosed “pancreatitis” and said there’s no cure but we can try different things to treat the symptoms. So I’m trying different things. Some days are good; some days require a steam cleaner.

As for other, more private aspects of my life some people know about, that's all working out just fine. Strange, of course, but good. No worries.

So how am I? I’m slogging on. I’m thankful that my kids and husband, friends, and extended family are all healthy—not even a flu bug.  I’m half way done with Christmas shopping and looking forward to putting up the tree this weekend. I’m caught up on laundry and most of the yardwork. I’m making good progress on a variety of Mensa projects and haven’t had to shovel snow yet. Report cards came home yesterday and it looks like both kids will probably graduate 8th grade on time. I have lots and lots of people who care about me and are available to help if I need it.

I’m ok, thanks.

(Kids and my parents in happier times, riding a hot air balloon in Utah)


Anonymous said...

The private aspects are not as private as you hope. Way too public at the RG. Your hubby is an idiot to embarrass you like he did. Just sayin.

Robin Crawford said...

Believe it or not, I was not embarrassed.

Unknown said...

If I couldn't grasp the meaning of "all working out just fine," I'd be anonymous too!