Thursday, April 7, 2011

Digital Now

keynote speaker: Tomi Ahonen

"In a connected age, sharing information is power."

How big is mobile? 5.2 billion mobile phone subscribers versus 4.9 billion television, Internet, personal computer users.

How addicted are we?Average user checks his phone150 times per day.

Text messaging is the primary use of cell phones, not voice calls.
SMS alone is 3 times as big as email. MMS is a little smaller, but that is the next wave.

42% of American teens can send text messages blindfolded. 61% would choose their phone over TV. Only .3% choose email for their preferred communication.

Where are Mensa's younger members? ON THEIR PHONES. Where are Mensa's social events? At homes, restaurants, and email lists. See the problem?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Anonymous said...

I think those numbers are suspect. With 6 billion people on the planet, many of whom have no access to a mobile phone and/or are children, it strains credulity to believe that 5.2 billion of them are subscribing to mobile phones. I further suspect that the 4.9 billion TV/Internet/PC figures are inflated by adding them all together (many of us use all three and would be triple-counted).

Nevin ":-)" said...

Good luck with that...

Three years ago I mentioned that a subscribeable calendar would be nice. I was met with a huge amount of resistance, with the argument being that, at best, it was only going to serve a trivially small number of members.

While it happened anyway (thanks to someone putting the events up on Meetup), be prepared for a battle every time you want to embrace something new.

Jared said...

I'm on the *bottom* end of this bell curve, and quite happily. For me, a phone is only for making phone calls (and storing the phone numbers I'll be calling). Check 150 times/day? Ha! Try 1-2. (!)

I'm quite happy that I have long-since told AT&T to disable text messaging on my phone. No desire to pay extra for that.

Text messages from AML is certainly something I would opt OUT of, just to make sure they don't come through. Send me an e-mail, not a text. Hopefully anything along the lines of texting members will require opting in.