Friday, February 19, 2010

What I've done For Mensa Since September

The current AMC reporting format reflects significant projects and accomplishments that fit in the boxes of the Almighty Strategic Plan. I do a lot of other things, too, and I like to keep track. Yes, this is an ego-boosting post. My blog, my ego. *shrug*

Here’s what I have done since late September, 2009….

As Communications Officer:
• Developed a survey of Bulletin readers and contributors in preparation for the great redesign and to gather some input about InterLoc.
• Worked with Bulletin editor and designer to create a new and improved Bulletin. (Lots of great reactions from members).
• Continued to lead and mediate heated, emotional discussions about InterLoc content.
• Solicited data regarding LG membership directories in newsletters in preparation for an AMC discussion about it.
• Fielded complaints from members about cover artwork on a LG newsletter.
• Wrote and polished policy and introduction to the new Mensa on the Web service.
• Reviewed and gave detailed feedback on  the Nov/Dec, Jan, Feb, and March Bulletins.
• Presented a workshop at HalloweeM about  how to get and keep volunteers.
• Suggested article topics to InterLoc editor.
• Participated in the October Finance Committee teleconference.
• Found someone wonderful (Lisa Webster) for the position of National Events Youth Program Coordinator.
• Provided RVC3 with information for responding to questions about the LG Charter.
• Dealt with the usual types of Forum issues and supported the hardworking moderators.
• Helped review and prepare notes for finance presentation at Oct AMC meeting.
• Corresponded with advice and support to TJ Mensa editor.
• Nudged the Gifted Youth Committee to set goals and to tackle practical matters concerning FRED.
• Discussed with the LocSecs elist about difficult board members and editorial autonomy.
• Okayed the decision to truncate the directory information in the Bulletin.
• Monitored and stepped in a bit to handle some conflicts that spun out of control in chat rooms.
• Forwarded a few address changes from members.
• Discussed with Bulletin editor about publishing comments from the Forums without first getting permission from the posters. (I recommended against it)
• Reviewed and gave input on the Marketing & Communications Dept. plan.
• Reviewed and gave input on the Web Services Dept. plan.
• Responded in support of the DVM editor faced with a member angry at not having his birthday included in the newsletter and unwilling to check his own release of information boxes.
• Spent much time and  frustrating energy dealing with the  Eric P. versus InterLoc conflict.
• Wrote the introductory letter that was sent with the LG Charters.
• Mediated between InterLoc editor and Bulletin designer regarding process for publishing InterLoc.
• Discussed with Dir. of Op interpretations and ramifications of policies regarding public access to lists of Mensans' names (a complaint about the Chicago Area Mensa Web site by one of it's former officers).
• Discussed budget needs with GYComm and urged them to state their goals clearly to make the budgeting process easier.
• Jumped up and down with excitement about the new Bulletin Update push email that goes out each month.
• Nudged Thomas Thomas about PRP a few times.
• Reviewed PRP guidelines and forms.
• Prepared a detailed background paper in preparation for a discussion about the future of InterLoc.
• Spend a long phone call with Dir of Op regarding major hassle changes from the USPS for newsletter mailing.
• Explained to InterLoc editor that, like in October, there was still no budget for him to tap into for travel to the March AMC meeting.
• Reviewed draft budget, asked pages of questions, and attended, on my own dime, the Finance Committee meeting in January.
• Prepared and blogged summaries of the Finance Committee meeting.
• Responded to a member wanting to know about communication vehicles for soliciting donations for her child's educational opportunity.
• Discussed GY funding philosophies with a Foundation trustee.
• Met with Marketing & Communication Dir to develop a plan for picking up communication slack in the GYComm projects.
• Came up with April Fools fodder for Charlotte's editor.
• Participated in drafting a background paper regarding newsletter mailing issues.
• Completed annual assessment of ED.
• Tried to slow down the AMC in their eagerness to discuss InterLoc's future, to no avail.
• Made some difficult and unpleasant decisions regarding pulling a letter from the March InterLoc in order to accommodate a legal necessity.
• Discussed strategy for shifting Handbooks from Leadership Development to Communications.

As Chair of the Communications Committee
• Discussed with moderators and others about applying Forum Firehouse rules to the Firehouse chat area, as well.
• Formed a subcommittee of ComComm to focus on newsletter mailing issues.
• Discussed pros, cons, implications, and logistics of many options for InterLoc.

As Chair of Name & Logo Committee:
• Reviewed an RG design using the logo on Cafepress.
• Advised LocSec of Coastal Carolina to pay attention to N&L rules when judging their group's logo design contest.
• Consulted  with Chair, Ed, and  Dev Officer regarding Prince Mensah and his Web site.
• Consulted about name violations on (“Why yes, I do qualify for Mensa”).
• Advised Central Florida LocSec regarding a member's unauthorized use of the Mensa name on a Yahoo group and drafted a cease and desist letter.
• Consulted with Marketing Dir regarding MenSa BooKMarks blog on Wordpress.
• Worked with ED, Marketing Dir, Membership Dir, Mem Officer, and Dev Officer and to address and draft responses and ASIE amendments regarding SIGs' use of the Mensa name, specifically Amazon and Facebook marketing being done by "the Consortium of A&E Special Interest Groups of Mensa."
• Approved the logo use for Eastern Oklahoma Mensa.
• Notified Tidewater Mensa of logo misuse on newsletter masthead and Web site.
• Reviewed San Diego's RG award design which originally misused the logo.
• Wrote article about N&L rules and use for InterLoc.
• Discussed name infringement and action options regarding a conference called "Womensa."
• Investigated and sent a "no, you may not" letter to  Jason J. regarding his variant of the Mensa logo on Cafepress.
• Reviewed and said "no" to a member's use of "Mens Sana" on a Web site and publication business.

As Chair of Local Group Service & Funding Committee:
• Drafted, edited, and finalized a survey.
• Worked with Dir of Op. to determine the demographics of the ten thousand survey takers.
• Responded to several dozen direct replies from members regarding the survey.

For Chicago Area Mensa:
• Proctored a test for Mensa Testing Day.
• Co-Chaired HalloweeM.
• Chaired the Nominating Committee.
• Edited two months of newsletters.


Jared said...

Wow, that's one helluva list. One word comes to mind: burnout! (Eek! -- ok, that's two.)

So, what is being discussed regarding InterLoc? You make several mentions which imply that some drastic changes are coming. Is it being chopped? Moved within the Bulletin? Changed in number of pages? Taken out of the Bulletin and put back to standalone publication status by opt-in subscription only? Do tell. At least what the overall concerns are.

I notice that InterLoc is not mentioned at all in the agenda for the March meeting. So, is this discussion going to be happening, likely, at the July meeting, where certainly the greatest opportunity for member involvement will happen? As well as having the InterLoc editor on-hand for the discussion (which should happen, whenever the AMC decides to take the topic up)?

Robin Crawford said...

I'm not sure what will be happening with InterLoc. I try to gather data and input before making decisions instead of making decisions and then trying to justify them. Basically, every program and service should be reexamined every now and then. InterLoc has been in the Bulletin for two years now, so it's time to assess it. It's been one of my ComComm goals for years, but I've been too lazy to get to it until now.

The current Editor and two former editors are on ComComm, and Brian will be at the in-person ComComm meeting in San Diego, too.

The actual decision about the direction of InterLoc lies with the Communications Committee, which is an AMC action committee, although obviously the rest of the AMC's views will be gathered and considered.

In short, don't panic. If I were being sneaky, I wouldn't have put it on my blog :-)