Friday, September 3, 2021

So How was the WG in Houston?

 Small, but nearly all the components of an AG were in placed worked. I didn't attend any of the evening social events, not even Misster Mensa ( I'm just not a late-night person and wanted to mitigate my Covid risks).

Kudos to Taz and the entire WG team!

I managed to do a reasonable amount of schmoozing with people about various concerns and projects.

The biggest happy surprise was the revelation from the Treasurer (Taz) that the money borrowed from the Life Members' Fund ( and 3 & 5 year funds, too, I think) has been restored fully. Wayback when that lawsuit happened, the AMC made grand plans to restore it within 14 years. Those intentions were chucked within a year or two because of other financial pressures. Now it turns out we refilled those coffers within only ten years!

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