Tuesday, September 28, 2021

A Firehose of Information- and Still Members Complain About Not Getting It

Communication requires a sender and a receiver. The problem I see is that many members, for a variety of reasons, choose not to receive messages via the several means currently employed. Historically, the solution has been to add more communication vehicles. So far, we have LG newsletters, the Bulletin, Mensa Wired and Mensa Leader, Mensa Connect, direct emails, Twitter, and Facebook. Other than an old-fashioned phone tree, what other options are there (which won't work- many of us have filters on our phones to automatically reject incoming calls from numbers not in our contacts)?

What will inspire members to consume Mensa-related information?

I actually started pondering this issue before I took office— a firehose of information members should or might want to have, but they’re not getting it because they choose to opt out of reading it. I was casually chatting about this  with three 25 year olds, and their response was a major “ahah” moment for me— they told me that they pretty much ignore all messages that are shoved at them, but instead pay close attention to information that they sought out on their own.

I’m not quite sure what to do with this revelation, however.

Suggestions are welcome.

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