Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Musing on Funding

Some members feel that more dues money should go to Local Groups and less to the "National." After all, the Mensa experience is at the local level, so that is where we should focus our resources. That is very true, for some members in some Local Groups. But not all. Recently there was this exchange in a thread not the AML Forums (names changed):

Eager New Member:
I looked at the website for my local group... I do not have high hopes lol. I think the last time anyone touched it was in October. Under the meetings heading, it says, "Our next regular meeting will be Thursday, November 4th." The last event scheduled was a testing day on January 30th, so maybe they'll be putting up a new calendar soon...? Ah well, no big deal.

Helpful Seasoned Member:
What is your local group? The website might be a tad out of date, but you should get a newsletter every month listing events for that month.

It's the MidState Mensa. Hmm, I just checked for the newsletter for my local group on the AML Local Group Newsletters page, and it came back "no records returned," even for "Show All." Am I doing something wrong?

Probably not. Groups aren't required to post their newsletters, so it is possible they have chosen not to.

 That's a tad disappointing.... Forums it is, then!

Even if we tripled the funding for this Local Group, the Website would remain out of date and the newsletter unavailable to members wanting to get involved. This is why we spread the money around between support for LG-provided services and services provided at the national level. So ALL members get something for their dues money, even if they decide to live near a Local Group whose volunteers do less for their members.

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