Monday, February 7, 2011

If I Were Tsar of Mensa

While sipping morning coffee and nagging kids to get ready for school, I was surfing a bit— using Flipboard on my iPad.  And I ran across a link to this article "The Daily vs. Flipboard".

Fascinating, and what really caught my eye and fired my imagination was:
... the future of the newspaper is about increased personalization, interactivity, social features, more choice of niche content. It's no longer about serving up a selection of middle-of-the-road fare every day and hoping that satisfies a large chunk of the newspaper-reading population (which is of course in decline, too).

This got me thinking about the Bulletin. I hear from members who want less Mensa politics and more fun reading. I know of members who want fewer book reviews and more details about how much AMC members' dinners cost. There are members who want puzzles and art, members who want content for children, and members who want high-level debates. There are members who want descriptions of gatherings and members who want biographies of other members.

If I were Tsar of Mensa, I'd find a way to let each member identify and bundle the content he wants. Imagine the Bulletin as a Flipboardesque publication! Or, even better, if we could somehow expand the concept to the Mensa experience in general!


Matt said...

If the reader gets to chose among lots of flavors of content in their individualized _Bulletin_, all that content has to exist first. If the paper bulletin is turning down offered content, maybe that's not a problem.

Anonymous said...

I agree with there really enough content that we could pick and choose? I have to admit that I kind of skim through the bulletin whenever I get it, and there's not a whole lot there that grabs my attention.

Robin Crawford said...

I was imagining including things like Mensans' blogs, LG newsletter articles, LG web site content, RG details and programs, forum threads, etc.