Friday, October 15, 2010

"Payoff" of AMC Meetings

So yes, I read MPol, and yes, I find the noise to signal ratio to be too high to be worth really paying attention to. However, every now and then someone says something that makes me go "hmmmm…"

Recently Cary wrote "If dues subsidized meetings of governors are so critical to Mensa's success, then when can we expect to start seeing the payoff that no other way could accomplish?"

I think this is a very good question for the AMC to be asking itself, although I'd like to have "payoff" defined more clearly. I've been privy to the electronic and teleconference discussions of the AMC for nearly 6 years. If the "payoff" is  wiser, better-reasoned and more thoroughly discussed decisions and more efficient and effective collaboration on developing ideas and plans, then I assert that we are seeing a payoff from face-to-face meetings.

But does "payoff" means something else? What?

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