Friday, October 8, 2010

Ossified Committees

Sometimes I just need to vent.

So I'm working on the Governance Task Force and one frequent complaint theme from the survey we sent out is that the AMC doesn't seek member input enough; in particular, the opinions of committee members are ignored.

This just make me steam! I am on several committees, and run more than a few. More often then not, when I put an issue out and directly ask for input, edits, suggestions, ideas, better text.... I get nothing. Nada. Not even a "let me think on it a few days and get back to you."

Recently, I wrote up an updated version of the Internet Services Policy and sent it to ComComm asking for their input. No responses. I sent it to the AMC, and again, no responses. No one even politely offered to second it, so it's not even on the agenda.

On the GTF, the same thing occurs. People are all keen to be involved in changing the structure of AML, but most of the TF has not responded to any direct requests for contributions.

So I have to wonder-- is this a widespread phenomena? is it just how Mensans are-- wanting to feel included but unwilling to participate? Is it just me-- am I somehow always right on the first go-round? Do I intimidate others from voicing their thoughts? Is there a sense of "Robin's on it, so I can relax and not bother"?

Sometimes I feel like Henny Penny.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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