Thursday, July 1, 2010

AMC Meeting July 2010

More on Hearings

John Sheehan spoke about hearings. He is an on a New Hamp state hearings panel. There is a wall between the people deciding whether to bring charges, and those deciding the merits of the case.  Jean agrees they should be separate, but points out if the AMC appoints the pool of people to both the review panel and the hearings panel… the separation is negated. Dan’s edits get us closer to this desired separation.

This is difficult. Both sides have really really good points. Wish I had better a feel for how the membership at large feels about this. Oh duh… sending this to the membership to decide… like making it a bylaws referendum…that seems wiser than us deciding here and now to kill this valiant attempt at process improvements. I’m inclined to vote yes, send it to the members to decide. BUT I think I am NOT in favor of everything in this motion as written. Which makes me inclined to vote no.

Vote: 9 yes 11 no. I voted no.

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