Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Front Page, Again

This time the whole family is outed.


Anonymous said...

Great article!


Anonymous said...

My late husband and I are/were both members of Mensa. Now our daughter took an IQ test at school and scored higher than we did! Needless to say I'm very proud of her. I only worry that when it comes time for my son to be tested that he will score high enough as well. I don't know how he will feel if he is the only member of the family not in Mensa. For now I'm doing what I can to increase his chances.

Anonymous said...

I'm a member of Mensa while my brother is not. I've always found this strange as he is much smarter than me! Growing up this caused no end of problems. Even now, both of us married with families of our own, I think there is some resentment. I'm not at all sure I want my children to take I.Q. tests lest a similar situation arise.

Anonymous said...

I used to be a member of mensa till I started raising my family. I could see the competition and one-upsmanship straight away. I let my membership lapse, don't yet tell the kids and, as long as they are in the house, refuse to let them take an IQ test just in case one of them can use it to badger the others.