Monday, August 22, 2011

Tiny Change for the Better--Bravo!

One of the recommendations from the Governance task Force last fall was to open national-level volunteer positions to all members, including those not already known to the AMC folks. This would mean writing up good descriptions of the task to be done and the skills necessary to to the job well and then advertising far and wide.

I was very pleased to see that concept actually used recently when John Recht sent out the call for an LDW Chair. He specified who the person would be working with, what the goals of the committee are, what responsibilities would be, and what special skills are being sought.

I suspect there will be some new highly qualified and enthusiastic people dipping their toes into the national waters, which can only improve the organization, regardless of who is ultimately chosen.

Bravo, John!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Yes John, Bravo!!! It's a breath of fresh air.

Leah said...

So how'd it go? Did anything useful actually come out of it?

Robin Crawford said...

I think so. I know of at least two good people who did or considered volunteering because of the notice. I think Beth Anne was the only one to actually apply. But at least she went into it eyes open knowing what was expected of her.

Robin Crawford said...

I think so. I know of at least two good people who did or considered volunteering because of the notice. I think Beth Anne was the only one to actually apply. But at least she went into it eyes open knowing what was expected of her.