Saturday, November 13, 2010

AMC meeting-My Presentations

Governance Task Force (Notes by Nick, since I was up giving the presentation)

What did you think?
Consolidated many disparate topics
Wanted more recommendations
Frequently members want ~blah~ and others want ~not blah~

Step 1: Commit to making the small changes.
Step 2: Need to clarify if we want to save money or do we want to improve governance?
Step 3: Commit to making big changes

Next step: Review the report and decide what areas we want to work on. Will be done on the elist.

Focus on the spirit of the topics, not the specifics.

After AMC decides what topics they want then a new task force will be established to create the specific motions.

Then develop a new task force to education the members.

It's not about the money. To drop 2 members from the AMC will save $8,000 or about $5 per group per month.

End of Robin's presentation and opened the floor for discussion.

Elissa: Revamp the nominating committee so that they proactively search for highly qualified volunteers. This is where we need to start.

Ken: The skill sets of the RVCs are not critical, but the other officers need to be officially qualified.

Jean: Need to increase the quality of the Board Members and this can be done though the nom com. The current nom com is not being effectively used. They should be given the authority to require qualifications.

Robin: We need to educate the voting members.

Marc: The petition process will side step these qualifications. We need to revamp the entire process, not just the non com.

Dan: In March 2010 we gave the nom com some vetting power.

Mel: Are we fixing something that is not broken?

Russ: We ourselves do not know what we want. Concerned that we don't force our qualifications into a single cookie cutter skill set.

Guy: What do the members want?

Dave Cahn: Should keep the members in the loop when creating a governance plan.

Ken: Our Leaders of Tomorrow program gave us a good list to consider for future Board members.

Peggy: Page 16 is a good starting point: Structures and Practices of NonProfit Boards.

Greg: We should take our strategic goals and assign them to board members.

Robin: This is addressed on page 13: Reviewing the current AML Strategic Plan as it relates to governance needs.

Debra: We are all accountable for all of the goals.

Robin: "I'm so lucky and privileged to have Nick sit next to me during this meeting."
hey... how'd this comment slip in here?

Robin: Actions -
AMC: "We will make some small changes before March."
AMC: "We will make some big scary changes."
Thank and dismiss the Governance Task Force.

Guy: Doesn't want to dismiss the Task Force.
Elissa: Yes we should and we should create a Blue Print Task Force.


Name and Logo Committee Presentation (Again narrated by the magnificent Nick Sanford)

Rules (simplified)
Use the official version of the logo...
Can use any set of colors
Cannot use multiple colors in one segment.
No slanting
Not symmetrical layouts (becomes a design)
Can't use more than once in a layout.
Has dimensional requirements.
Must frame logo and put words outside of it.
Can't use it as a logo.
Can't use it as the letter M.
The logo must stand alone, nothing else can go in the frame.
3-D logo parts and background can't be to "busy"
Context is everything
Wrongly used on Facebook, CafePress, and Zazzle

Using the name
Must include the registration mark.
Cannot add other letters
There are some grandfathered words (many are newsletters)
Common violations are in RG names.
Using the name outside of the organization is the larger problem.
"Context is king"
OK on the Simpsons or as a synonym for a smart person.

The brand name Mensa is a major attractions to people.
Big Goal: To be widely recognized...

Enforcement is critical due to litigations. "Your own members violate your rules, so why can't someone else do it as well?"

Only AML has the right to license the name.

Can local groups use the image on shirts?
Yes, but it must be used correctly and cannot compete with licensed vendors.
Having a custom shirt made for an individual is a grey area, but typically OK.
RG shirts for sale with the logo must be approved.

Cost when members don't know the rules:
A difficult person violated our rules and has cost us $11,000 this year.

Educational Campaign is in the works:
Letters to the members.
Ads in Bulletin

That photo of Nick on the screen sure does look good.
I am so not going to let him use my ipad again!

Thanks Nick!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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