Monday, May 31, 2010

Reducing the AMC

So I'm on this Governance Task Force, and I'm seeing a number of members suggesting that the appointed officers should be eliminated. My first reaction, naturally, is to get all defensive since I'm one of those on the chopping block.

But I just had a glimmer of a new thought about it, so consider this post as a place-holder until I find the words for my thoughts.

(And yes, this does make for sort of a lame, content-free blog post, I know. But I'm tapping it out on a phone and I'll think better when I get upstairs to my computer.)

- Posted using my iPhone


Jared said...

The main argument, AISI, is that there should not be ANY appointed voting positions on the AMC. If we want to keep those four positions having a vote, they should be elected by the membership. It is far too easy for an AMC Chairman to attempt to "stack the deck" with four people that they either think are highly likely will think/vote the same way, or convince those people that they owe their vote/loyalty for having been appointed in the first place. Make them elected positions or eliminate them entirely, and that goes away.

Desiree Sagray said...

That's pretty much my take on it. IF someone has a voting role, they should be elected by the membership or appointed ONLY to fill a vacancy of a normally elected position.

This has nothing to do with not seeing the value in the currently existing voting positions. Frankly, I'd be just as happy if they all still existed as voting positions - but the membership got to vote for the folks to fill them.

Guy Conti said...

I think the present members who say it is too easy for the AMC Chair to stack the deck with people likely to vote his or her way forget or never knew that that is *precisely* the reason the voting appointee positions were created.

I generally agree that 3 positions should be elected and 1 (DST) ex-officio.

However, what I do not agree on is that there are enough members who truly care about this that we should be changing it now. I believe we have a loud, vocal, small, minority of members who care deeply but I do not think it goes beyond that.