Monday, January 19, 2009

AMC versus Local Service

I've been reading some discussion about how AMC members fade away from participation in their Local Groups when they move up an on to the national level. Just because I can't resist, I thought I'd share the local positions I've held in recent years-- and if you look, you'll see that many of them overlap with my time on the AMC:

Editor (ChiMe, Chicago Area Mensa) 2001-2003; 2005-2006
Publications Officer (Chicago Area Mensa) 2002-2003; 2006-2007
Webmaster (Chicago Area Mensa) 2002-2003
LocSec (Chicago Area Mensa) 2003-2006
HalloweeM Co-Chair (Chicago Area Mensa) 2008-present
AGOG Chair (Chicago Area Mensa) 2007-present
BFD Co-Chair (Chicago Area Mensa) 2008-present
Proctor 2008-present
NomCom (AML) 2004
Communications Officer (AML) 2004-present

I'm no saint; I am one of the fortunate few who doesn't have to work outside the home and I am free to spend much of my time doing what I enjoy, which is usually doing Mensa stuff. Sometimes it's work; sometimes it's fun. Most of the time it is satisfying. And it does require sacrifices: My husband sometimes has to take a day off from work to watch kids so I can go to a meeting, and I have to kennel my dog, which is a runs me at least a grand each year for AMC-related travel.

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