Monday, September 30, 2024

What I did for Mensa September 2024


MI News Team
  • Posted ExComm minutes.
  • Long orientation call with Interim chair.
  • Began working on a member profile draft, then set it aside after discovering he’s not a member.

Director of Administration
  • Processed all NM reports received so far.
  • Responded to a bunch of website inquiries.
  • Zoom with J re her data needs from the NM reports.
  • Wrote long set of thoughts on SMAC and how they might be better used.
  • Set acknowledgements to all NM reporters so far.
  • Sent acknowledgements to all appointee applicants so far.
  • Started putting appointee and committee reports into agenda formats.
  • Pulled membership data as of today for A.
  • Sent some reminders to my liaison assignments about doing their reports.
  • Some background work on Hub spaces and encouragement for the team.
  • Manually entered a NM report for a Chair.
  • Prepared scoresheet for applications.
  • Began downloading archives from Workplace.
  • Sent all but the 8 still missing NM reports to M.
  • Sent 11 appointee & committee annual reports to M.
  • Sent membership and  membership fees data to J.
  • Processed remaining vol applications- 153!
  • Sent acknowledgements to applicants.
  • Commented on draft business plan
  • Ordered IBD gifts.
  • Organize applicants by country.
  • Processed late NM report.
  • Reviewed all applicants and marked choices.
  • Prepared a voting score sheet to facilitate discussion.
  • Finalized Hub Instruction sheets for distribution.
  • Prepped late appointee and NM reports.
  • Sent updated spreadsheet of financial info to Jovana.
  • Proofed  Nov MWJ & sent comments to editor.
  • Answered several more web inquiries.
  • More work gathering input about appointments.
  • ExComm Zoom meeting to discuss and choose appointments.
  • Processed another straggler NM report.
  • Responded to a dozen web inquiries
  • Spent a couple hours responding to and cleaning out open tickets.
  • Sent treasurer latest NM numbers
  • Discussed concerns with a member about censorship on the MI Fb group… several times.
  • Prepared many questions about the validity an reliability of the adaptive test.
  • Prepped two months’ worth of From the ExComm pdfs for website.
  • Created lavish powerpoint presentation about N&L.
  • Looked up last year’s report for Chair of Mensa Norway.
  • Zoom w E re Hub presentation
  • Prepared and sent E list of names, NMs, and voting weights so he can start prepping the voting tool.
  • Prepped a strangling committee annual report and sent to M.
  • Zoom w J re strategic planning.
  • Sent agenda items for Oct 10 ExComm meeting to TMB & ExComm.
  • Participated in online discussion of those motions and revised as suggested.
  • Responded to vol applicants asking when they’ll find out results.
  • Responded to many more website enquiry tickets.
  • Reviewed and commented on IBD support document.
  • Reviewed and commented on NM Constitutions guide.
  • Prepped an printed all motions for the Motion Market.
  • Reminded M to redirect a superadmin address to ensure Hub confidentiality.
  • Call w CRO about needs.
  • Corresponded with ER re resigning from News Team.
  • Reviewed and offered ideas for E’s presentation bout the Hub.
  • Answered more inquiry tickets.
  • Prepped a very late NM annual report and sent to ExecDir and Treasurer.

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