Saturday, June 1, 2024

What I did April & May 2024

MI News Team

  • Created graphic for 2024 Poetry Competition.
  • Zoom with A.
  • Zoom with A about advertising for NT help in upcoming newsletter.
  • Responded to several emails expressing interesting helping NT.
  • Created post about members’ use of name and logo.
  • Dug up an old MWJ issue that had excerpts from the very first Mensa Magazine and created a post from it.
  • Revised draft of DPO interview and sent to B.
  • Prepped a few posts from contributors.
  • Zoom w A.
  • Began drafting interview questions for outgoing Chair.
  • Created a post about AML’s age demographics among officers.
  • Reached out to VB (France) about joining News Team.
  • Drafted long Focus on Mensa Austria article and sent to that Chair for review and input.
  • Prepped several more posts.
  • Messaged with VB about how she can help.

MI Name & Logo Committee
  • Advised chair of Mensa italy about designing boutique items.
  • Sent crisp logo-in-diamond files to Australia chair.
  • Notified committee of a couple logo violations from Mensa Brazil.
  • Asked for input/approval on a N&L piece destined for Mensa News.
  • Asked about continued violations on merchandise for sale.
  • Asked about unofficial Mensa FB group.

“Kitten Tasks”
  • Polished and organized documents/web content for escape simulator events.
  • Drafted several graphics for election pages.
  • Added news items to list of website fodder.
  • Drafted additional election graphic variations.
  • Created a flag graphic for website.
  • Cleaned up AMG 2024 collage for website.
  • Gathered categorized links from WP to be highlighted in the newsletter.
  • Created collage graphic for GLAM for website.
  • Added news items to list of website fodder.
  • Prepped pdf of June From the ExComm column.
  • Created collage about Mensa Brazil’s Foundation.
  • Reviewed new site’s look on cellphone.
  • Notified all 30 people who submitted member stories and photos for the website.
  • Checked all links in Member Area of website.
  • Prepped pdf of July From the ExComm column.
  • Hours of work on WP 2.0 policy drafting.

Gifted Youth Committee Liaison
  • Nudged on Chinese translation of Hot Topics #3
  • Typeset Chinese version into the layout.
  • Drafted Hot Topics #4 (English and Italian)

Uncategorized MI
  • Advised Chair on Workplace policy concerns.
  • Lots of discussion and playing with new forum software.

Incoming Director of Administration
  • Long zoom with team to transition workplace.
  • Zoom w T about plans and such.
  • Zoom w E.
  • Zoom w A.
  • Started to-do list.
  • Discussed nuances of moderation approaches for new online community.
  • Researched flight costs for Bucharest for incoming treasurer.
  • Zoom w Current and incoming ExComm.
  • Began informal Google doc for keeping track of topics  for future agendas.
  • Emailed I about  transition of files and wisdom.
  • Organized contact info and re-did permission agenda brainstorming google doc.
  • Set up first informal zoom for incoming ExComm (took a while to calculate all the time zones!)
  • Zoom w E.
  • Sent initial brainstorming list of topics for first informal ExComm zoom to T.
  • Zoom with incoming ExComm.
  • Zoom w E.
  • Researched and created spreadsheet of all appointees and committees’ chairs and members.
  • Advised lead Admin of FB on how to handle a member’s complaint; ultimately figured out it was not about the MI FB group, so I message the complainer myself.
  • Organized lengthy email to incoming ExComm regarding brainstorming agenda items.
  • Asked for copy of or access to the survey monkey form used in the past for volunteer applications.
  • Zoom w Chair of Romania about EMAG plans, N&L needs, and general concerns.

National Awards Committee
  • Zoom meeting.

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