Communications Officer
- Reviewed and asked questions about budget.
- Attended GLAAM RG in February- met with LocSec and Editor to discuss how to handle smaller print versions.
- Further discussion with Trevor about Volunteerism program.
- Advised GLAAM editor about two versions of newsletters.
- Worked with LaRae to craft Vol Insights column for Bulletin.
- Nudged Marketing Officer again re column for Bulletin.
- Asked again for copies of onboarding emails sent to editors, webmasters, circ managers, etc.
- Discussed with Chip the inclusion or rejection of a Bulletin article about paper vs digital newsletters.
- Read all March newsletters.
- Read all April newsletters.
- Read all May newsletters.
- Read all June newsletters.
- Reviewed and commented on April/May Bulletin.
- Reviewed and commented on June Bulletin.
- Reviewed and commented on July Bulletin.
- Reviewed Spring YM.
- Participated in R8’s zoom about MC training.
- Reviewed which editors are not receiving MC emails and messages.
- Invited Felice to the sandbox community and got conversation started.
- Intervened gently re a MC situation.
- Attended March AMC meeting in Hurst.
- Filled out speaker form for AG roundtable session.
- Prepped another Vol Insights article for the Bulletin.
- Sent suggested revisions of onboarding messages sent to editors and SM people, and made suggestions for what can be included in a similar message to webmasters.
- Gave MN a list of ongoing and new things that need doing in the IT area.
- Worked on project planning with Trevor for Mensa Volunteer program.
- Looked up and sent key nuggets from 2011 LGS&F report to Trevor and others for discussion on member value.
- Advised a member about TOS interpretations for posts.
- reviewed and offered opinion on a potentially controversial Bulletin article.
- Helped a new member find ways to contact other local members.
- Sent Chip the story about the Bulletin and Asia Carrera.
- Sent nominations for Nat Awards to Jean B.
- Advised RVC9 about a newsletter situation.
- Forwarded on a couple death notifications.
- Attended AMC meeting in TX, including meeting w Staff and a few others to talk about roles, projects, etc.
- Advised an RVC about moderating MC.
- Directed a SIG coordinator to the Nat SIG person to answer a question.
- Dug up and shared five governance reports to Trevor he didn’t already have.
- Sent Trevor a handful of things-for-staff-to-do.
- Replied to an Editor asking about ACE awards.
- Asked staff to update the ACE award page to make it clear that it’s no longer a thing.
- Advised editor about reprinting unattributed memes.
- Discussed with Membership Officer about communicating to LG officers.
- Sent Lori top five expectations of the CO position.
- Advised Chair on some writing.
- Drafted annual CO report for Bulletin.
- Helped test potential new search engine for AML site.
- Answered members’ question about LG funding in the past.
- Wrote long long response to a disgruntled member’s questions about newsletters.
- Phone call with CB.
- Prepped and sent spring Pubs Officers’ letter.
- Filled out application for another term.
- Drafted response to member complaining about R8 moderation.
- Reminded AMC about looming deadline for annual reports for the Bulletin.
- Handled a MC admin task for RVC1.
- Reposnded to questions from a Circ Mgr about how to email to all members.
- Forward notification of members’ deaths to Becky.
- Mailed an editor about correcting the indicia on their newsletter.
- Prodded the AMC governance discussion thread.
- Prodded the “Value” working group discussion threads.
- Dealt with spam posts in R1 MC community.
- Posted Zoom event reminder in Pubs Officers.
- Sent spring (and summer) letter to the NNJ editor (who is too young to be on MC).
- Discussed a brewing MC moderation/harassment issue w/ lead Mod, drafted a message to the harassing member, and sent it.
- Quarterly Zoom with Pubs officers.
- Tossed out a new thread in the “value” working group.
- Offered advice to Mensa Germany board member about forum software and moderation tactics.
- Advised a newish LocSec about how to recruit an editor.
- Revisited draft of Nat Pubs Policy and sent to Trevor for his input.
- Revisited other policies that will need amending to align with Nat Pubs policy amendments.
- Advised RVC7 about postal issues.
- Wrote a Volunteerism Insights column for the Bulletin.
- Tended to a few MC support questions.
- Advised NNJM LocSec and Editor regarding an event host collecting and misusing email addresses under the guise of needing RSVPs.
- Nudged IT staff about several things on their to do list and responded to his updates.
- Long discussion with Membership Officer about common issues.
- Helped member with address change.
- Weighed in on AMC discussions of governance topics.
- Commented on draft agenda for May zoom meeting.
- Prepped lists and thoughts about staff issues for Lori.
- Advised LocSec about newsletter tools and advertising for a new editor.
- Participated in informal AMC zoom chat.
- Zoom with Chip.
- Zoom with Charles & Chip.
- Notified CB that we’re supposed to be uploading the Bulletin to the MIL website.
- Helped LocSec/Interim editor with InDesign questions.
- Notified staff about out-of-date ads on the website.
- Complimented new SF Mensa editor.
- Filled out AMC survey about committees.
- Attended May AMC meeting (virtual). Got fired as Comm Officer with no explanation.
- Discussed web security issues with a LG webmaster.
- Forwarded notice of deceased member to NO.
- Responded to a LocSec’s concerns about misdirected email aliases.
- Filled out review of Exec. Dir.
- Cut and pasted entirety of two discussion threads for an RVC.
- Forwarded another request to cancel Bulletin for a member now in memory care.
- Archived the progress on the Member Volunteer Program and notified Trevor of the link.
- Updated LG Comm Guide and sent new pdf to staff for uploading.
- Wrote & sent final quarterly letter to Pubs Officers.
- Re-sent Spring Editors’ letter to an editor who didn’t receive it earlier.
- Forwarded some print preference info from an editor to the NO.
- Forwarded contribution offering from a member to the Bulletin editor.
- Advised staff to update p 55 of the Comm Guide to reflect changes in some of the online emailing tools.
- Hosted summer Zoom session with Pubs Officers.
- Facilitated getting SFRM layout designer added to the Pubs Officer MC community.
Communications Committee
- Began discussions about how to approach getting answers to the questions about newsletters we generated last quarter.
- Requested addition of Ian to the committee.
- Asked Michael to research internet/computer access stats in the US.
- Proposed an initial crowd-sourcing strategy to generate likely survey answers.
- Wrote up research on internet access and shared with committee.
- Asked Mem Officer for a copy of most recent membership survey and demographic stats.
- Did some number crunching.
- Kept discussions going.
- Long replies to questions and suggestions.
- Crowd-sourced response options in MC M-Leaders & General Discussion
- Requested review of proposed Appendix 10 update.
- Shared four random things from my to-do list and asked for input.
- More work on Nat Pubs Policy.
- Nudged quiet AMC committee members.
- More work on Nat Pubs Policy to incorporate feedback from a couple AMCers.
- More work on Nat Pubs policy.
- Tidied up draft of Nat Pubs Policy with highlights of major changes and directed the AMC members to do with it as they please.
- Announced & provided link to archive of not-quite-over-the-finish-line Nat Pubs policy revision.
Strategic Planning Committee
- Did some research and proposed that the committee revisit LG funding formulas.
- Wrote long response on LG funding topic.
- Shared an article about planning for the future and nudged discussions again.
Marketing Committee
- The committee was inactiive
Name & Logo Committee
- Participated in discussions about a school claiming to partner with Mensa and a possible logo copying.
- Participated in discussion of logo-on-tie-dye shirt topic.
- Weighed in on discussion of Rainbow Mensans SIG.
SIGs Advisory Committee
- Offered opinions and approval for a few new SIGs.
National Awards Committee
- Nudged IT to make contact information easier to find.
- Nudged AMC to provide nominations.
- Some discussion with Jean about tracing of vols who do internet stuff.
- Participated in conference call.
- Forwarded an idea regarding presentation ceremony at the ABM to Jean and Ian.
- Reminded Chair of deadlines and filling out a committee review form.
MI News Team
- Zoom with A.
- Prepped and queued a few posts.
- Forwarded info about Canadian AG to A.
- Prepped and queued more news posts.
- Zoom with A.
- Prepped a few more posts.
- Wrote to chair of Mensa Cyprus about when we’ll post her interview responses.
- Asked about Twitter and FB moderation policies.
- Zoom w A.
- Asked Foundation President and MRJ editor about using their subscription services.
- Photoshopped Dhruv project mages for posting.
- Organized future posts.
- Nudged team on assignments.
- Drafted Focus on Hungary article and sent for review.
- Long zoom w/ A to catch up and plan.
- Nudged various NM chairs to respond to drafts of “Focus on…” articles.
- Asked for write up about Chicago’s AGOG event.
- Requested to join AMG 2022 Seoul Korea FB group, which supposedly has info about the 2023 gathering in April. Researched details for Seoul gathering.
- Wrote article about AML’s CultureQuest.
- Tediously added social media links to spreadsheet
- Sent A info about Silvensa 2023.
- Wrote Focus on Mensa Netherlands and sent to chair for review. It bounced, so then tried a proxy chair.
- Dug around to find and convert dues and testing fees for all NMs (several hours of work!)
- Began learning about PPP conversions.
- Wrote teaser article for new series about activities around the world.
- Lots of prep and then Zooming w A Apr 6.
- Nudged N and M with assignments.
- Drafted messages and sent to a disengaged team member.
- Wrote and queued up a few more posts.
- Wrote up a post using sparce info from Mensa Italy member.
- Drafted Focus on Mensa Italia and sent it with a bunch of questions for review.
- Prepped templates for future disengaged committee members.
- Looked for iStock image for Poland’s gathering.
- Responded to suggestions from a member of Mensa Italia.
- Wrote an evergreen post to promote WP.
- Zoom with A.
- Wrote 5 more posts and created graphics for each.
- Kept things hobbling along while my elbow is broken.
- Re-wrote article about Korean AMG.
- Asked Jon G to write about US vs Euro gatherings.
- Tested new WP tools with A.
- Asked for English version of French MY Camp event registration.
- Caught up on organizing and planning content.
- Collaborated on Communications survey for I & ICO.
- Asked Hungary Chair for info about MY Camp event.
- Created graphic for post about MY Camps.
- Zoom with I & A re addition news team members and comm survey.
- Zoom with A.
- Responded to E about MY Camp issue.
- Asked M to make graphic for MI Poetry contest and advised on logo use.
- Nudged chairs of Switzerland, South Africa, Philippines, and Italy re Focus On articles.
- Edited interviews with Cyprus & Germany.
- Zoom with A.
- Prepped for adding new people to the team.
- Read Spring 2023 ExComm minutes.
- Gave direction to a team member.
- Tedious review of all MI website links (side project for A).
- Mucked around with some WP tech issues.
- Emailed for edit info on Mensa at Cambridge promo.
- Created graphic for Photocup Jury call.
- Zoom with A.
- More prep for onboarding new team members.
- Zoom call with new team volunteers & sent meeting notes to all.
- Attended virtual IBD meeting.
- Did some tedious admin work to help A.
- Discussed News Team’s role with the GY Comm.
- Prepped WeeM info for event listing.
- Sent DoA spreadsheet with communications contacts for most NMs.
- Zoom with A.
- Nudged on getting new team contributors added on Workplace.
MI Branding Project
- Zoom with ICO.
- Zoom with A.
- Call with CB about how rebranding might affect AML.
- Drafted solicitation for member photos.
- Created site map of public sections.
- Zoom with A & ICO.
- Hours searching and gathering useful images for site redesign.
- Reviewed mock-up from ICO.
MI Name & Logo Committee
- Attended initial on-boarding Zoom call.
- Set up WP group.
- Reviewed some outside company branding documentation.
- Shared 2009 N&L Workbook and 2023 LG Comm Guide Branding section.
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