So The December AMC meeting agenda has a motion for a dues increase.
Saturday, November 11, 2023
Dues Increase
Wednesday, October 18, 2023
What I did for Mensa Aug 16 – Oct 18, 2023
Two months' worth of work. Keep in mind that one of those months included dealing with the aftermath of my partner being injured in a bad auto accident and then my daughter, who lives 6 hours away, being very severely injured in an accident, necessitating a couple trips to help her.
- Cleaned up several posts from V.
- Created graphics for several posts.
- Asked M to make a graphic promoting all the upcoming big gatherings.
- Zoom with A about how to support/promote AMG in Bali.
- Worked with H to get her going on Workplace and coming up with ideas.
- Prepped a google spreadsheet with NMs chairs and addresses for interviewing and sent to H.
- Edited post about Far and Bright tours.
- Gave V several more content ideas.
- Began tediously researching current test costs in each NM. It took many hours.
- Asked M to do graphic about EMAG attendance and provided data.
- Sorted and organized graphics for IBD presentation.
- Prepped quick post about Mensa in the news article from Argentina.
- Nudged A about getting a photo to go with his interview.
- Nudged H and asked what help I can offer.
- Nudged N about his famous members interview idea.
- Whipped up a post about GYC’s Hot Topics sheets.
- Drafted responses to survey monkey form for IBD Committee report.
- Zoom with A re report and future plans.
- Hours of work on Powerpoint presentation.
- Drafted annual report to the IBD.
- Participated in comments about N&L rules post.
- Whipped up a few more posts and graphics and got them queued up.
- Posted a follow-up/nudge to team members.
- Created graphic and post re Int’l elections.
- Nudged J re interview.
- Organized post schedule through October.
- Prepped and addressed a long “agenda” list for a zoom with A.
- Long zoom with A.
- Whipped a post and graphic about AML’s Virtual LDW weekend.
- Prepared post about Zebra puzzles.
- Discussion with K about NT goals and purpose and ideas.
- Prepped more posts and graphics.
- More work on IBD powerpoint.
- Much work refining and expanding article about testing costs.
- Ran testing cost article past E and A.
- Zoom with A.
- Prepped a few more posts.
- Polished prevention and saved to flash drive, then sent A the script to make doing minutes easier.
- Attended IBD meeting and gave presentation.
- Asked about the member’s request to use the logo on a grave marker.
- Wrote and shared list of rules that I think need tweaking or pondering (incl a powerpoint to give examples of animations).
- Read and responded to long summary post from T.
- Reviewed and commented in detail on the Google doc of pertinent bylaws that need attention.
- Hours creating graphics depicting acceptable and unacceptable examples for Rule E.
- Zoom meeting.
- Zoom with A re GY YouTube issues.
- Researched and created new pictures for the rest of the hope-to-recover videos for GYC.
- Asked M to try to grab the missing GY videos.
- Downloaded the GY videos from M and organized them with the fresh thumbnails.
- Put GY videos into a Google drive and shared with K and A.
- Re-set GY Hot Topics #1 with Italian translation.
- Prepped and sent templates etc to ICO for YouTube channel improvement
- Prepped pdf of From the ExComm for Oct.
- Customized a graphic for top of reporting surveys.
- Re-did Mensa countries map a few times.
- Created video thumbnail pictures for new GY YouTube channel.
- Did some graphics work for the MI newsletter.
- A couple hours re-doing FNM/PNM/EM/DIM map and table per Isabella’s instructions.
- Another couple hours re-doing map and table colors yet again.
- Created graphic for IEC page.
- Started working on the big Minutes-to-Spreadsheet project.
- Spent several tedious hours on the Minutes-to-Spreadsheet project.
- Another several tedious hours on Minutes-to-Spreadsheet project.
- Tested links for new Welcome Letter website page.
- Started working on the next set of motions-to-spreadsheet project.
- Finished 2017 motions-to-spreadsheet.
- Worked on and mostly finished 2022 motions-to-spreadsheet.
- Redid banner logo in higher resolution.
- Zoom with A and E
- Refined priorities for languages to be translated.
- Refined draft of request email to be sent to NM chairs.
- Hours of work organizing a spreadsheet for tracking everything.
- Began tediously drafting the customized individual emails to go out.
- A couple more hours customizing and drafting emails to go out.
- Finished drafting emails.
- Sent to Germany, Austria, and K (asking about the need for Malay or not).
- Sent to Brazil, Bulgaria, and Denmark.
- Cheered when Hungarian translation came in after just a couple days of asking.
- Sent to 7 more countries.
- Sent to the rest of the countries.
- Responded to a few inquiries.
- Tracked sending and responding on spreadsheet.
- Responded to dozen of offers from Mensa Poland members.
- Responded to a few emails about the Volunteerism column.
- Began working on November ChiMe.
- Jumped in to help with the virtual LDW session about communications.
- Shared links to google doc of things I was working on as Comm Officer.
- Finished and uploaded Nov ChiMe.
- Sent L info about how to sign up for Workplace for her Bulletin column.
- Contributed lengthy input regarding AMC’s fall planning day agenda.
- Checked in a few times regarding when the NO will mail the awards (it’s been two months)
Tuesday, October 3, 2023
Sunday, September 24, 2023
Mensa International News Team Goal
Since November 2022, I've been the Chair of the Mensa International News Team. It's been a great experience and very different from volunteering in American Mensa. This month, I'm putting the final touches on a PowerPoint presentation I'll be making at the IBD meeting in Dallas in mid October. As part of that, I had to really ponder and distill the ultimate goal of what we're trying to do.
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
Reducing the Size of the AMC
I read RVC 4's October 2023 column with interest, since governance is a passion of mine. I have thoughts.
Wednesday, August 16, 2023
What I've done June 15 - August 15, 2023
I no longer have to do quarterly reports, but I like to keep track of things anyway. Here is a list of what I've done for Mensa over the past two months.
MI News Team
- Posted list of assignments.
- Worked on post about the new N&L committee.
- Zoom with (GYC) to coordinate how we can help.
- Filled out Strategic Planning survey.
- Worked to find info about upcoming Constit referendum.
- Nudged new members to get on WP.
- Pulled info about communication outlets and sent to K.
- Brainstormed interview questions for sister of French PM.
- Nudged team to respond.
- Zoom with A.
- Facilitated V getting started with uploading events.
- Sent draft about EMAG post to EMAG chair
- Recreated GY YouTube template.
- Re-worked post on Book SIG.
- Nudged News Team to contribute something, anything.
- Messaged K about I-SIGs vs WP groups covering similar topics.
- Asked I and B about posting Focus on Italy without hearing from that chair.
- Reviewed and organized as-yet-unused post content.
- Reviewed Team members regarding levels and likelihood of contributing.
- Sent interview questions to new DoD.
- Helped new team member craft requests for info from his NM.
- Shared pdf listing many events with team in hopes of someone stepping up to do something.
- Organized content fodder and schedule with A.
- Nudged team members to sign up for WP and check the group for content ideas and needs.
- Drafted a summary of May 27 ExComm Minutes to be used as a post.
- Drafted article on Economics, Finance & Trade SIG and sent to coordinator for input.
- Drafted article on M-Compusig and sent to coordinators for input.
- Brainstormed questions for future interviews and asked team for additions.
- Worked to put together a spread sheet with info on all listed ISIGs.
- Posted GY post about Euro school survey.
- Nagged team to respond, again.
- Made graphic for discussion meeting minutes posts.
- Looked for info about EMAG online session link.
- Drafted a mini report to I about how things are going and what help we need.
- Discussed and edited draft report with A.
- Prepped for and then zoomed with A.
- Sent notes and action items to A.
- Sent mini report to I.
- Made graphic template for Gifted Youth committee posts.
- Asked V to write post-EMAG article.
- Sent interview questions to K.
- Drafted post-AG summary and sent to T for review.
- Nudged news Team again about looking for interesting activities around the world.
- Researched and drafted article about UK-based/newsletter-only ISIGs.
- Long reply answering many questions from R.
- Organized a Google doc listing every post we’ve done so far.
- Poked around looking for viable SIGs to write about.
- Researched and fixed links for Focus on Mensa Bulgaria article.
- Introduced R to JB regarding research.
- Drafted article on Level Up! program and sent to R for edits.
- Answered L’s questions and dug up images of Chicago's of Hungry Hungry Hippos as an example of an “Activity Around the World.”
- Messaged V about doing a post-EMAG write-up.
- Responded to a flood of comments and questions on WP; Re-sent info on uploading to MI website.
- Created and filled in spreadsheet with stats about all posts.
- Re-edited Book SIG article.
- Drafted interview with K.
- Whipped up a Remine memorial piece.
- Found and spreadsheeted info correlating membership numbers and languages for M to create an infographic with.
- Encouraged N and A to follow up on their ideas.
- Asked N&L for review of two graphics about simplified rules.
- Edited story and returned to A for review.
- Nudged V to write about EMAG.
- Looped I in regarding Call for Volunteers and EMAG review posts.
- Cleaned up and prepped info about Slovenian Ski Weekend.
- Responded to N’s request for onboarding.
- Asked V about handling the website events content.
- Drafted and sent questions for interviewing J.
- Zoom onboarding with N.
- Read concerns from German member about various logo violations.
- Lengthy responses to the many topics T posted.
- Provided instructions for signing up for Workplace.
- Posted about a probably issue of the name in a Mensa member’s new WhatsAp group.
- Zoom meeting.
- Re-reviewed MI website for broken links.
- Created basic text site map of MI site.
- Prepped pdfs of Aug and Sept “from the ExComm” columns for website.
- Created template for GY Hot Topics” tip sheets.
- Laid out and edited GY Hot Topics #1.
- Reviewed and commented on three site designs ICO is working on.
- Took the practice test (but clicked random answers halfway through) to see what needs to be translated.
- Compared all practice test text with AW’s English version and made notes.
- Looked up all the languages spoken by NMs and then determined into which the test needs to be translated.
- Asked friends for better word for “fingerprints” in the test translation template.
- Helped identify priorities for languages to focus on first.
- Lots of discussion about how to proceed.
- Helped prioritize which translations to ask for and some editing of email template.
- Refined and prepped draft email and several versions of translation templates, then sent to E & A for review.
- Advised RVC about how to remove someone from her region’s MC community.
- Wrote a Volunteer Insights column for the Bulletin.
- Posted farewell messages to various working communities on MC.
- Forwarded a member’s request for help to Becky.
- Bothered to reply to Eric G’s baiting on MC.
- Forwarded a death notice to the NO.
- Investigated unapproved use of membership data.
- Nudged staff to respond to Digital Officers’ questions.
- Posted goodbye to Digital Officers.
- Helped RVC8 find award bio information.
- Left the private AMC Facebook group.
- Weighed in on an editor’s question about referencing outside articles about GY.
- Stayed alert for a dust-up on MC.
- Rolled my eyes Eric’s last attempt to bait me.
- Nothing- no one seemed to want to finish up the Nat Pubs Policy project.
- Contributed lengthy input regarding AMC’s fall planning day agenda.
- No activity.
- Commented on Brad Lucht’s proposed logo for his Theodore talks.
- No activity.
- No new activity.
Thursday, August 10, 2023
It's My Blog, so It's Ok to Brag
This year, I was honored with a National Certificate of Appreciation (for my work on the Volunteerism Task Force and the LG Communications Guide).
Thursday, June 29, 2023
My Opinions on the 2023 MI Constitutional Referendum
Monday, June 26, 2023
Parting Kiss
I received this in the mail yesterday. It's a perfunctory parting gift. There was no note included. No "thanks for your service; we'll miss you."
Thursday, June 15, 2023
What I Really Did for Mensa February-June, 2023
Communications Officer
- Reviewed and asked questions about budget.
- Attended GLAAM RG in February- met with LocSec and Editor to discuss how to handle smaller print versions.
- Further discussion with Trevor about Volunteerism program.
- Advised GLAAM editor about two versions of newsletters.
- Worked with LaRae to craft Vol Insights column for Bulletin.
- Nudged Marketing Officer again re column for Bulletin.
- Asked again for copies of onboarding emails sent to editors, webmasters, circ managers, etc.
- Discussed with Chip the inclusion or rejection of a Bulletin article about paper vs digital newsletters.
- Read all March newsletters.
- Read all April newsletters.
- Read all May newsletters.
- Read all June newsletters.
- Reviewed and commented on April/May Bulletin.
- Reviewed and commented on June Bulletin.
- Reviewed and commented on July Bulletin.
- Reviewed Spring YM.
- Participated in R8’s zoom about MC training.
- Reviewed which editors are not receiving MC emails and messages.
- Invited Felice to the sandbox community and got conversation started.
- Intervened gently re a MC situation.
- Attended March AMC meeting in Hurst.
- Filled out speaker form for AG roundtable session.
- Prepped another Vol Insights article for the Bulletin.
- Sent suggested revisions of onboarding messages sent to editors and SM people, and made suggestions for what can be included in a similar message to webmasters.
- Gave MN a list of ongoing and new things that need doing in the IT area.
- Worked on project planning with Trevor for Mensa Volunteer program.
- Looked up and sent key nuggets from 2011 LGS&F report to Trevor and others for discussion on member value.
- Advised a member about TOS interpretations for posts.
- reviewed and offered opinion on a potentially controversial Bulletin article.
- Helped a new member find ways to contact other local members.
- Sent Chip the story about the Bulletin and Asia Carrera.
- Sent nominations for Nat Awards to Jean B.
- Advised RVC9 about a newsletter situation.
- Forwarded on a couple death notifications.
- Attended AMC meeting in TX, including meeting w Staff and a few others to talk about roles, projects, etc.
- Advised an RVC about moderating MC.
- Directed a SIG coordinator to the Nat SIG person to answer a question.
- Dug up and shared five governance reports to Trevor he didn’t already have.
- Sent Trevor a handful of things-for-staff-to-do.
- Replied to an Editor asking about ACE awards.
- Asked staff to update the ACE award page to make it clear that it’s no longer a thing.
- Advised editor about reprinting unattributed memes.
- Discussed with Membership Officer about communicating to LG officers.
- Sent Lori top five expectations of the CO position.
- Advised Chair on some writing.
- Drafted annual CO report for Bulletin.
- Helped test potential new search engine for AML site.
- Answered members’ question about LG funding in the past.
- Wrote long long response to a disgruntled member’s questions about newsletters.
- Phone call with CB.
- Prepped and sent spring Pubs Officers’ letter.
- Filled out application for another term.
- Drafted response to member complaining about R8 moderation.
- Reminded AMC about looming deadline for annual reports for the Bulletin.
- Handled a MC admin task for RVC1.
- Reposnded to questions from a Circ Mgr about how to email to all members.
- Forward notification of members’ deaths to Becky.
- Mailed an editor about correcting the indicia on their newsletter.
- Prodded the AMC governance discussion thread.
- Prodded the “Value” working group discussion threads.
- Dealt with spam posts in R1 MC community.
- Posted Zoom event reminder in Pubs Officers.
- Sent spring (and summer) letter to the NNJ editor (who is too young to be on MC).
- Discussed a brewing MC moderation/harassment issue w/ lead Mod, drafted a message to the harassing member, and sent it.
- Quarterly Zoom with Pubs officers.
- Tossed out a new thread in the “value” working group.
- Offered advice to Mensa Germany board member about forum software and moderation tactics.
- Advised a newish LocSec about how to recruit an editor.
- Revisited draft of Nat Pubs Policy and sent to Trevor for his input.
- Revisited other policies that will need amending to align with Nat Pubs policy amendments.
- Advised RVC7 about postal issues.
- Wrote a Volunteerism Insights column for the Bulletin.
- Tended to a few MC support questions.
- Advised NNJM LocSec and Editor regarding an event host collecting and misusing email addresses under the guise of needing RSVPs.
- Nudged IT staff about several things on their to do list and responded to his updates.
- Long discussion with Membership Officer about common issues.
- Helped member with address change.
- Weighed in on AMC discussions of governance topics.
- Commented on draft agenda for May zoom meeting.
- Prepped lists and thoughts about staff issues for Lori.
- Advised LocSec about newsletter tools and advertising for a new editor.
- Participated in informal AMC zoom chat.
- Zoom with Chip.
- Zoom with Charles & Chip.
- Notified CB that we’re supposed to be uploading the Bulletin to the MIL website.
- Helped LocSec/Interim editor with InDesign questions.
- Notified staff about out-of-date ads on the website.
- Complimented new SF Mensa editor.
- Filled out AMC survey about committees.
- Attended May AMC meeting (virtual). Got fired as Comm Officer with no explanation.
- Discussed web security issues with a LG webmaster.
- Forwarded notice of deceased member to NO.
- Responded to a LocSec’s concerns about misdirected email aliases.
- Filled out review of Exec. Dir.
- Cut and pasted entirety of two discussion threads for an RVC.
- Forwarded another request to cancel Bulletin for a member now in memory care.
- Archived the progress on the Member Volunteer Program and notified Trevor of the link.
- Updated LG Comm Guide and sent new pdf to staff for uploading.
- Wrote & sent final quarterly letter to Pubs Officers.
- Re-sent Spring Editors’ letter to an editor who didn’t receive it earlier.
- Forwarded some print preference info from an editor to the NO.
- Forwarded contribution offering from a member to the Bulletin editor.
- Advised staff to update p 55 of the Comm Guide to reflect changes in some of the online emailing tools.
- Hosted summer Zoom session with Pubs Officers.
- Facilitated getting SFRM layout designer added to the Pubs Officer MC community.
Communications Committee
- Began discussions about how to approach getting answers to the questions about newsletters we generated last quarter.
- Requested addition of Ian to the committee.
- Asked Michael to research internet/computer access stats in the US.
- Proposed an initial crowd-sourcing strategy to generate likely survey answers.
- Wrote up research on internet access and shared with committee.
- Asked Mem Officer for a copy of most recent membership survey and demographic stats.
- Did some number crunching.
- Kept discussions going.
- Long replies to questions and suggestions.
- Crowd-sourced response options in MC M-Leaders & General Discussion
- Requested review of proposed Appendix 10 update.
- Shared four random things from my to-do list and asked for input.
- More work on Nat Pubs Policy.
- Nudged quiet AMC committee members.
- More work on Nat Pubs Policy to incorporate feedback from a couple AMCers.
- More work on Nat Pubs policy.
- Tidied up draft of Nat Pubs Policy with highlights of major changes and directed the AMC members to do with it as they please.
- Announced & provided link to archive of not-quite-over-the-finish-line Nat Pubs policy revision.
Strategic Planning Committee
- Did some research and proposed that the committee revisit LG funding formulas.
- Wrote long response on LG funding topic.
- Shared an article about planning for the future and nudged discussions again.
Marketing Committee
- The committee was inactiive
Name & Logo Committee
- Participated in discussions about a school claiming to partner with Mensa and a possible logo copying.
- Participated in discussion of logo-on-tie-dye shirt topic.
- Weighed in on discussion of Rainbow Mensans SIG.
SIGs Advisory Committee
- Offered opinions and approval for a few new SIGs.
National Awards Committee
- Nudged IT to make contact information easier to find.
- Nudged AMC to provide nominations.
- Some discussion with Jean about tracing of vols who do internet stuff.
- Participated in conference call.
- Forwarded an idea regarding presentation ceremony at the ABM to Jean and Ian.
- Reminded Chair of deadlines and filling out a committee review form.
MI News Team
- Zoom with A.
- Prepped and queued a few posts.
- Forwarded info about Canadian AG to A.
- Prepped and queued more news posts.
- Zoom with A.
- Prepped a few more posts.
- Wrote to chair of Mensa Cyprus about when we’ll post her interview responses.
- Asked about Twitter and FB moderation policies.
- Zoom w A.
- Asked Foundation President and MRJ editor about using their subscription services.
- Photoshopped Dhruv project mages for posting.
- Organized future posts.
- Nudged team on assignments.
- Drafted Focus on Hungary article and sent for review.
- Long zoom w/ A to catch up and plan.
- Nudged various NM chairs to respond to drafts of “Focus on…” articles.
- Asked for write up about Chicago’s AGOG event.
- Requested to join AMG 2022 Seoul Korea FB group, which supposedly has info about the 2023 gathering in April. Researched details for Seoul gathering.
- Wrote article about AML’s CultureQuest.
- Tediously added social media links to spreadsheet
- Sent A info about Silvensa 2023.
- Wrote Focus on Mensa Netherlands and sent to chair for review. It bounced, so then tried a proxy chair.
- Dug around to find and convert dues and testing fees for all NMs (several hours of work!)
- Began learning about PPP conversions.
- Wrote teaser article for new series about activities around the world.
- Lots of prep and then Zooming w A Apr 6.
- Nudged N and M with assignments.
- Drafted messages and sent to a disengaged team member.
- Wrote and queued up a few more posts.
- Wrote up a post using sparce info from Mensa Italy member.
- Drafted Focus on Mensa Italia and sent it with a bunch of questions for review.
- Prepped templates for future disengaged committee members.
- Looked for iStock image for Poland’s gathering.
- Responded to suggestions from a member of Mensa Italia.
- Wrote an evergreen post to promote WP.
- Zoom with A.
- Wrote 5 more posts and created graphics for each.
- Kept things hobbling along while my elbow is broken.
- Re-wrote article about Korean AMG.
- Asked Jon G to write about US vs Euro gatherings.
- Tested new WP tools with A.
- Asked for English version of French MY Camp event registration.
- Caught up on organizing and planning content.
- Collaborated on Communications survey for I & ICO.
- Asked Hungary Chair for info about MY Camp event.
- Created graphic for post about MY Camps.
- Zoom with I & A re addition news team members and comm survey.
- Zoom with A.
- Responded to E about MY Camp issue.
- Asked M to make graphic for MI Poetry contest and advised on logo use.
- Nudged chairs of Switzerland, South Africa, Philippines, and Italy re Focus On articles.
- Edited interviews with Cyprus & Germany.
- Zoom with A.
- Prepped for adding new people to the team.
- Read Spring 2023 ExComm minutes.
- Gave direction to a team member.
- Tedious review of all MI website links (side project for A).
- Mucked around with some WP tech issues.
- Emailed for edit info on Mensa at Cambridge promo.
- Created graphic for Photocup Jury call.
- Zoom with A.
- More prep for onboarding new team members.
- Zoom call with new team volunteers & sent meeting notes to all.
- Attended virtual IBD meeting.
- Did some tedious admin work to help A.
- Discussed News Team’s role with the GY Comm.
- Prepped WeeM info for event listing.
- Sent DoA spreadsheet with communications contacts for most NMs.
- Zoom with A.
- Nudged on getting new team contributors added on Workplace.
MI Branding Project
- Zoom with ICO.
- Zoom with A.
- Call with CB about how rebranding might affect AML.
- Drafted solicitation for member photos.
- Created site map of public sections.
- Zoom with A & ICO.
- Hours searching and gathering useful images for site redesign.
- Reviewed mock-up from ICO.
MI Name & Logo Committee
- Attended initial on-boarding Zoom call.
- Set up WP group.
- Reviewed some outside company branding documentation.
- Shared 2009 N&L Workbook and 2023 LG Comm Guide Branding section.
Tuesday, May 23, 2023
Double-edged Sword
Despite cries of secrecy and lack of Board transparency, executive sessions are essential. It is wise for the Board to be able to candidly talk about topics without worrying about having to censure themselves or politically posture for the public.
Friday, April 21, 2023
Crafting Policy
For the past year and a bit I’ve been working on a major revision to Appendix 10: National Publications Guidelines.
Tuesday, April 11, 2023
Friday, March 24, 2023
Dues & LG Funding
Since 2001, dues have gone up $30.
Annual LG per member subsidy has gone up $2.35.
The $1 per new/reinstated member has remained the same since at least then.
Thursday, February 23, 2023
New CommComm Project: Newsletters
Now that the giant LG Communications Guide is in the hands of the Leadership Development committee, awaiting approval ( or coming back to me for revisions), I find that my to-do list for Communications is sparse. I suppose that's good; it means I've gotten most of what I intended to do this term done.
But it also means I'm bored.
So recently I got CommComm started on a new giant project to really dig deep into all aspects of newsletters to see what we can learn that might help us better help Local Groups. Like all my big vague research projects, we're starting by generating a long list of questions we'd like to have answered.
- What correlations are there between LG size, geography, newsletter quality, and newsletter cost?
- What are newsletter purposes for different age demographics?
- Why do members choose paper newsletters
- Does age correlate to paper vs digital choice?
- What do we really mean when we say newsletters are a membership benefit?
- Is there a correlation between population density and the value members place on the newsletter?
- Does knowledge of a more expansive digital newsletter being offered make members-who-want-paper feel disenfranchised or undervalued?
- What do all the paper newsletters look like-- number and size of pages, content, efficient use of space, paper weight, color, etc.?
- How much do LGs spend on [paper] newsletters? Each LG does something different, but can we come up with a concrete average cost-per-quantity of content?
Wednesday, February 15, 2023
Three Months of Communicating
I got curious and checked- I have posted 1,368 times on Mensa Connect. From December through now I sent 308 Mensa-related emails and participated in 11 Zoom calls.
Monday, February 13, 2023
What I really Did Nov 18, 2022 - Feb 17, 2023
Quarterly Reports are boiled down and don't include anything about my committee or Mensa International work.
- Confirmed to an ExComm member that it really is ok to snail mail minimal newsletters and publish bigger versions online.
- More work on LG Comm Guide. Finished the whole draft and sent it to various staff and others to review and improve.
- A few more hours of work on the LG Comm Guide putting in edits and suggestions form staff.
- Read December newsletters.
- Read January newsletters.
- Read February newsletters.
- Reviewed & commented on January Bulletin.
- Reviewed & commented on February Bulletin.
- Reviewed & commented on March Bulletin.
- Many more hours of work on LG Comm Guide.
- Sent private review of Great Minds wine program to Trevor, CB, and Tabby.
- Asked BrowBeat editor to contribute his Dec editorial to the next Letter to the Pubs Officer.
- Nudged staff about getting MC admin guide posted in MC (it’s been languishing since September).
- Nudged staff about server upgrade budget request.
- Facilitated a member contacting other members who don’t have their email listed in the directory.
- Asked Matt Crawford to review and improve Web section of LG Comm Guide.
- Asked staff to develop and provide a cookie consent notice for LGs to use on their websites.
- Attended AMC meeting in Denver.
- Gave presentation on next steps for Volunteerism.
- Discussed staff/volunteer roles with Trevor and Lori.
- Sent LD chair list of handbooks and how out of date they are.
- Reviewed 2023 Bulletin schedule with Chip.
- Directed CB to put Members’ R&R on AML website and promote via Wired.
- Nudged again about MC Admin Guide on website.
- Filled out and turned in Dec expense reimbursement form.
- Cheered at the new Mensa Connect page under LG resources.
- Started summary of VolNext Steps to AMC, but got snarked at for giving them a to-do list, so I backed off.
- Sent sticking point issues on Nat Pubs Policy to Trevor for discussion and negotiation. Several emails back and forth discussing those issues.
- Worked on LG Comm Guide.
- Pulled out the sections CB wanted staff to work on and sent it to them.
- Put branding section comments from Hilary into LG Comm Guide draft.
- Zoom with CB: budget, LG Comm Guide, MindGames ads.
- Connected a member with Matthew regarding a MC issue.
- Answered some questions about AML’s server offerings.
- Created winter Pubs Officer letter.
- Asked Trevor and CB about wording for MindGames promotions ( or not).
- Discussed offensive MC post with staff and Tim Vogt.
- Long phone call with disgruntled member regarding Mensa Connect administration.
- Call with Chair about Mensa Connect issues.
- Reviewed 3 WordPress training videos made by Lana.
- Nudged Tabby and David Mc about Volunteer Marketing article for Bulletin.
- Nudged LaRae about Proctor Volunteerism article for Bulletin.
- Nudged Kimberly about Mem Officer Volunteerism article for Bulletin and worked with her on it.
- Posted on blog about how Wired & Leader are just “member benefit promotions ( aka ads). Consulted with Members and Mark Officers about the topic.
- Discussed process for getting SIG officers tracked and given access to the right MC communities ( again).
- Nudged CB about LG Comm Guide edits.
- More discussion with Exec Dir about CO/staff roles.
- Discussed ADA compliance issues in LG websites with CB, Tabby, and Lana.
- Put in CB’s edits and printed LG Comm Guide for proofreader.
- Worked on more cross-referencing tags in LG Comm Guide.
- Worked on Nat Pubs Policy after lengthy email discussion with Trevor.
- Worked on specific ASIE amendment wording per discussions with Trevor.
- Notified Taz about needed review and amendment to Appendix 20 Budgetary Policy.
- Polished and sent winter letter to Pubs Officers.
- Call with Lori to talk about staff/AMC roles and authority and policy adherence.
- Forwarded change of address for a member.
- Responded to Digital Officers’ questions about N&L tactics.
- More back and forth with Trevor on Nat Pubs policy.
- Advised LG about changing print/elecc preferences without consent.
- Advised a LocSec about onboarding for new Webmaster.
- More work on LG Comm Guide.
- Sent request to USPS for a mailing expert and Zoom session for Pubs officers arranged one for Feb.
- Discussed with Matthew adding mobile app info to MC documentation.
- Answered a LocSec’s question about forcing LG members to take e-pubs.
- Drafted new section for LG Com Guide about hybrid approaches to paper-newsletters.
- Sent reminders to two editors not on MC.
- Pointed new Scholarship person to the right MC community.
- Zoom with Pubs officers.
- Requested update to stale “news” on AML website front page.
- Send info about distribution files and processes to MWM editor.
- Checked into availability of address labels for LG election purposes.
- Review and comments on updated privacy policy for AML website. Asked for clarification of paragraph about it in the LG Comm Guide. Nudged. Nudged again. And again.
- Reviewed Nov and Dec staff reports.
- Reached out to Mem Off about working together to update officer onbording info.
- Long response to Michael Fryar about web tools and newsletters.
- Gave advice to new Wisconsin Editor about software.
- More work on LG Comm Guide.
- Reviewed Winter YM2.
- Zoom with CB.
- Phone call with Michael F.
- Began re-setting entire LG Comm Guide to a single column layout for better online viewing.
- Responded to an editor about non-necessity of including a LocSec column.
- Intervened and advised regarding DVM’s plan to go completely electronic and changing members’ preferences without real consent.
- More work on LG Comm Guide.
- Facilitated resolution of updated CASS reporting for SFRM.
- Still more work on LG Comm Guide- improving distribution sections.
- Looked up ASIEs about LG financial reporting requirements.
- Helped staff brainstorm content for a Welcome to your LG email for new members.
- More work on LG Comm Guide.
- Asked Becky for copies of onboarding emails to Editors, Webmasters, etc.
- Asked staff to remove Web toolbox page and also old bit from front page about the 2022 AG ticket winner.
- Reviewed AML’s 990 and asked a few questions.
- Look up exactly when the default to digital pubs was passed. (2011).
- Hours of emails and FB messaging and phone calls smoothing feathers over a Firehouse kerfuffle about Fryar’s MC training videos.
- Responded to a LocSec asking about the old ACE awards.
- Advised GLAAM circulation manager about the absence of rules about naming digital and paper newsletters differently.
- Responded to David McCallister regarding privacy on Lg websites and sm.
- Long review and response to a report about association volunteerism that Trevor shared.
- Sent “final” version of LG Comm Guide to CommComm for last review.
- Asked LD Comm chair about next steps for the guide process.
- Updated MF regarding the FH situation.
- Set up zoom session for Circ Managers and a USPS rep.
- Responded to questions about paper v elec newsletters from GLAAM editor.
- Helped a LG leader with Mensa Connect questions.
- Long thoughtful email discussion with Trevor re volunteerism needs.
- A few more hours creating a comprehensive TOC and rearranging parts of the LG Comm Guide.
- Call with Trevor re legal issues. Some emailing re legal issues.
- Still more work tweaking LG Comm Guide.
- Sent LG Comm Guide to Leadership Dev chair.
- Zoom with USPS rep and circulation managers.
- Discussed missing columns with Bulletin Editor.
- Sent thank you flowers to USPS rep.
- Began review of LG Comm Guide draft.
- Asked Michael Fryer to review and improve the 2016 “Web Tools” list on AML site.
- Checked in with progress ( or lack of).
- Discussed if we still need the Web Toolbox page.
- Began brainstorming questions we need answered to approach the paper vs digital newsletter topic.
- Redirected the discussion a few times.
- Final review of Guide and discussion about formatting and subject arrangement.
- Participated in discussion about what do next.
- Participated in Zoom call in December.
- Asked about status of SM guide.
- Advised on steps to take regarding a member in Indiana who is promoting his “Official Mensa Discord Server."
- Commented on Health Professionals SIG proposal.
- Discussed expansion of LG Officer tracking.
- Discussed other national level volunteers who might be falling through the cracks.
- Dug around for lists of members of a few national TFs and Comms who might be getting lost in the tracking.
- Reminded chair of agenda and report deadlines.
- Wrote 20 “articles” to be posted on Mensa News.
- Filled in spreadsheet with NMs’ membership data from IBD report, then asked M, I, or B for help finding missing numbers.
- Began posting to News Group on WP.
- Sent EMAG 23 info to A for inclusion on events calendar.
- Wrote to the chairs of S. Korea and Indonesia asking for more details about the to 2023 AMGs.
- Sent info about HMAG 2023 for events calendar.
- Sent info about AMG 2023 in Indonesia for evens calendar.
- Nudged G to participate. Nudged again a few weeks later.
- Worked on Peru article and posting double attachments challenge.
- Sent requests for article review to 5 National Mensa chairs.
- Participated in discussion about age demographics of NMs.
- Requested graphics for discussion question posts.
- Drafted article about Australia’s Gifted Youth success and sent it out for further review.
- Prodded N to get input on Japan Growth article.
- Doodle Poll for a zoom call and prepped notes.
- Drafted a couple more articles.
- Zoom call to talk about content ideas and assignments.
- Drafted more articles.
- Created graphic about N&L rules.
- Responded to member who pointed out a N&L violation in a post.
- Checkin zoom with A, M, & B.
- Worked on some graphics for consistent branding on posts.
- Sent requests for review to two national Mensas (Sweden and Switzerland).
- Reached out to M-L asking her to join the team, then responded back to her.
- Wrote a few more atrticles based on magazines from Bulgaria and Germany.
- Zoom catch up with A.
- Wrote bullet points of specific needs for new members of the committee.
- Checked assumptions about the roles of the MI News Team vs the MI Newsroom group on WP.
- Did some graphics editing.
- Zoom with A about various topics.
- Worked on an ad for more News Team members.
- Summarized tasks and expectations for team members to get everyone going again.
- Zoom with A about text for soliciting more team members.
- Zoom with A and New ICO about branding project and general catch up.
- Added brainstorming ideas to a vision board.
- Zoom with A and ICO about what we’re really trying to accomplish and general idea sharing.
- Lots of playing around with ideas on Miro.