Wednesday, August 10, 2011

LG Funding Concern- Reductions for Underperforming Groups

The AMC finally read my LG Service & Funding report, and they had questions and concerns, which Elissa forwarded to me so I could address them. Since then, it's been quite amusing to tussle with the new Membership Officer, who seems to be against the plan for a number of reasons, one of which is that the groups who have their funding reduced under this plan will be displeased. Here was my response to that:

Those amounts were suggestions. You could certainly tweak the rubric so that Groups which provide little or no service still get 82¢ per member. And you can eliminate the current practice of cutting off funding to Groups that don't meet the minimum requirements... just keep throwing money at them and perhaps someday, a spark plug will move into the area and use it.

But I firmly believe that Groups that want to provide more than the minimum should be funded to do so. Don't keep holding back your racehorses in order to not offend your slugs.

Every time Mensa policy defaults to pleasing the slowest, the timidest, the most luddite..... we put another nail in our coffin.

1 comment:

Janet Centstein said...

Every time Mensa policy defaults to pleasing the slowest, the timidest, the most luddite..... we put another nail in our coffin.

Oh my little Rothstein trainee. We love you.