I no longer have to do quarterly reports, but I like to keep track of things anyway. Here is a list of what I've done for Mensa over the past two months.
MI News Team
- Posted list of assignments.
- Worked on post about the new N&L committee.
- Zoom with (GYC) to coordinate how we can help.
- Filled out Strategic Planning survey.
- Worked to find info about upcoming Constit referendum.
- Nudged new members to get on WP.
- Pulled info about communication outlets and sent to K.
- Brainstormed interview questions for sister of French PM.
- Nudged team to respond.
- Zoom with A.
- Facilitated V getting started with uploading events.
- Sent draft about EMAG post to EMAG chair
- Recreated GY YouTube template.
- Re-worked post on Book SIG.
- Nudged News Team to contribute something, anything.
- Messaged K about I-SIGs vs WP groups covering similar topics.
- Asked I and B about posting Focus on Italy without hearing from that chair.
- Reviewed and organized as-yet-unused post content.
- Reviewed Team members regarding levels and likelihood of contributing.
- Sent interview questions to new DoD.
- Helped new team member craft requests for info from his NM.
- Shared pdf listing many events with team in hopes of someone stepping up to do something.
- Organized content fodder and schedule with A.
- Nudged team members to sign up for WP and check the group for content ideas and needs.
- Drafted a summary of May 27 ExComm Minutes to be used as a post.
- Drafted article on Economics, Finance & Trade SIG and sent to coordinator for input.
- Drafted article on M-Compusig and sent to coordinators for input.
- Brainstormed questions for future interviews and asked team for additions.
- Worked to put together a spread sheet with info on all listed ISIGs.
- Posted GY post about Euro school survey.
- Nagged team to respond, again.
- Made graphic for discussion meeting minutes posts.
- Looked for info about EMAG online session link.
- Drafted a mini report to I about how things are going and what help we need.
- Discussed and edited draft report with A.
- Prepped for and then zoomed with A.
- Sent notes and action items to A.
- Sent mini report to I.
- Made graphic template for Gifted Youth committee posts.
- Asked V to write post-EMAG article.
- Sent interview questions to K.
- Drafted post-AG summary and sent to T for review.
- Nudged news Team again about looking for interesting activities around the world.
- Researched and drafted article about UK-based/newsletter-only ISIGs.
- Long reply answering many questions from R.
- Organized a Google doc listing every post we’ve done so far.
- Poked around looking for viable SIGs to write about.
- Researched and fixed links for Focus on Mensa Bulgaria article.
- Introduced R to JB regarding research.
- Drafted article on Level Up! program and sent to R for edits.
- Answered L’s questions and dug up images of Chicago's of Hungry Hungry Hippos as an example of an “Activity Around the World.”
- Messaged V about doing a post-EMAG write-up.
- Responded to a flood of comments and questions on WP; Re-sent info on uploading to MI website.
- Created and filled in spreadsheet with stats about all posts.
- Re-edited Book SIG article.
- Drafted interview with K.
- Whipped up a Remine memorial piece.
- Found and spreadsheeted info correlating membership numbers and languages for M to create an infographic with.
- Encouraged N and A to follow up on their ideas.
- Asked N&L for review of two graphics about simplified rules.
- Edited story and returned to A for review.
- Nudged V to write about EMAG.
- Looped I in regarding Call for Volunteers and EMAG review posts.
- Cleaned up and prepped info about Slovenian Ski Weekend.
- Responded to N’s request for onboarding.
- Asked V about handling the website events content.
- Drafted and sent questions for interviewing J.
- Zoom onboarding with N.
MI Name & Logo Committee
- Read concerns from German member about various logo violations.
- Lengthy responses to the many topics T posted.
- Provided instructions for signing up for Workplace.
- Posted about a probably issue of the name in a Mensa member’s new WhatsAp group.
- Zoom meeting.
Anti-Kitten Tasks*
- Re-reviewed MI website for broken links.
- Created basic text site map of MI site.
- Prepped pdfs of Aug and Sept “from the ExComm” columns for website.
- Created template for GY Hot Topics” tip sheets.
- Laid out and edited GY Hot Topics #1.
- Reviewed and commented on three site designs ICO is working on.
MI Translation Team
- Took the practice test (but clicked random answers halfway through) to see what needs to be translated.
- Compared all practice test text with AW’s English version and made notes.
- Looked up all the languages spoken by NMs and then determined into which the test needs to be translated.
- Asked friends for better word for “fingerprints” in the test translation template.
- Helped identify priorities for languages to focus on first.
- Lots of discussion about how to proceed.
- Helped prioritize which translations to ask for and some editing of email template.
- Refined and prepped draft email and several versions of translation templates, then sent to E & A for review.
AML But as Plain Ol' Robin
- Advised RVC about how to remove someone from her region’s MC community.
- Wrote a Volunteer Insights column for the Bulletin.
Last bit of official AMC-related roles:
Communications Officer
- Posted farewell messages to various working communities on MC.
- Forwarded a member’s request for help to Becky.
- Bothered to reply to Eric G’s baiting on MC.
- Forwarded a death notice to the NO.
- Investigated unapproved use of membership data.
- Nudged staff to respond to Digital Officers’ questions.
- Posted goodbye to Digital Officers.
- Helped RVC8 find award bio information.
- Left the private AMC Facebook group.
- Weighed in on an editor’s question about referencing outside articles about GY.
- Stayed alert for a dust-up on MC.
- Rolled my eyes Eric’s last attempt to bait me.
Communications Committee
- Nothing- no one seemed to want to finish up the Nat Pubs Policy project.
Strategic Planning Committee
- Contributed lengthy input regarding AMC’s fall planning day agenda.
Marketing Committee
- No activity.
Name & Logo Committee
- Commented on Brad Lucht’s proposed logo for his Theodore talks.
SIGs Advisory Committee
- No activity.
National Awards Committee
- No new activity.
*An "Anti-Kitten" task is something unofficial that helps keep me busy, without which I would probably go buying kittens and learning to knit.