Dear Members of the American Mensa Board of Directors,
This is not yet another “Save Howard” appeal. What is done is done, and I’m confident you all are more than aware of my opinions on the matter.
Nor is this another “Replace the Executive Director” request.
I know that you’ve gotten many emails, phone calls, and other messages expressing members’ thoughts and wishes. I know that at least the Treasurer has been given a number of questionable activities to look into. I know that you’ve been conducting an investigation into the workings of the National Office and soliciting input from current and former staff with which to base your decisions and actions going forward. Were I on the Board, I would fully endorse a full investigation.
I also know that you have chosen not to interview former staff members who left more than six months ago (and I suspect that not all of those who left in the last six months were asked to complete your survey). This, of course, strikes me as a great failing with your investigation, since I and many others firmly believe that the problems in the Office are not a recent development but started several years ago, involving a larger number of past staff.
I am also skeptical of the objectivity of this investigation, since you’re interviewing current staff members who may be less than candid, what with their livelihoods on the line, and considering rumors of recent raises and promotions. Surely you can explain away members’ concerns that staff silence and collusion are being bought.
Be that as it may, I have a couple questions.
I believe that the Executive Director’s employment contract is up for review in the spring of each year. Did you, as a body charged with this responsibility, review and actively choose to renew her contract, or did you take no action at all, allowing the contract to simply roll over due to other considerations or simply neglect, both results, of course, being that there is no way you could, even if you wanted to give into the members’ wishes, replace her?
Assuming that your hands are legally tied by her contract, when is the next opportunity you (or the next Board) will have to review and choose to extend or not extend her employment, and will this fall directly at the beginning of Mensa’s election season where some may be reluctant to take action, positively or negatively?
I am quite sure the upcoming election will hinge greatly on this matter, and it would help members make sound voting choices if they have facts instead of rumors to base their decisions on.
Thank you in advance for your time and answers to my two questions.
Robin Crawford
Chicago Area Mensa