Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Toolkit for AMC and other Leaders

Now this looks like a very useful thing for leaders who are trying to think at high levels and still hope to accomplish something more practical than coming up with yet another "air is good—everyone should breathe it" type of strategic plan.

"All you need is a group and a goal: The CAT isn’t a rigid template for problem solving. It's designed to be flexible and accessible, with an action map and activities arranged into six categories, from building a group, to imagining new ideas, to planning change. The toolkit challenges groups to move beyond discussion to action, continually clarifying their shared goals based on what they learn through the problem-solving process. The result is a holistic approach to help groups tackle issues in their communities."

Download free

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Jared's Amendments

I'm lurking on M-Grapevine, watching the discussion of why Jared's bylaws amendment proposals did not get enough signatures to be put on the ballot. The complexity of the system (put in place by the evil AMC so regular members don't stand a chance), the lateness of his start, the lack of publicity about the process, etc. (to be fair, it is Lee, not Jared, making the excuses).

I find it interesting that no one has posited the possible explanation that plenty of people DID know about his proposals and his need for signatures... but simply did not approve of the changes he was proposing. Sure, plenty of Mensans will sign petitions of things they disagree with just because they feel it is important for a wider voter base to consider them. But plenty more, myself included, do NOT place our names as supporters of a proposal... we don't actually support.

In my view, that is the reason for petitions: to see if there is even enough support to bother with the effort and expense of going forward.

I'm sorry for your continued frustration, Jared. I may not agree with you, but I know how hard you worked and how passionately you feel. If only the AMC would work half as hard on their governance improvement projects.

Monday, November 5, 2012

AMC's Amendment re: Replacing RVCs

The AMC has put this on the ballot. It is titled "Replacement of Regional Vice-Chairmen"

Proposed amendment: 
a.  In Article III, Section (10)(a), first sentence, insert “, other than Regional Vice-Chairmen,” after “Elective and appointive officers”.  The resulting sentence would then be “Elective and appointive officers, other than Regional Vice-Chairmen, may be removed by resolution of the American Mensa Committee for any of the following reasons:”.
b.  In Article III, delete the current language in section (11) and its subsections, and replace them with the following:
(11)  In the event of the resignation, removal, advancement, or death of an elective officer other than a Regional Vice-Chairman, or in the event of an office other than Regional Vice-Chairman not being filled by election, the remaining members of the American Mensa Committee shall elect a successor to fill the office for the remainder of the term of office; provided that, in the case of vacancy in the office of Chairman or First Vice-Chairman, the officer(s) next in line shall move up and the successor shall serve in the office of Second Vice-Chairman.
My question is this: Where does it talk about how to replace RVCs? It describes how to replace everyone EXCEPT RVCs. What am I missing?