Ugh. I'm so behind on all of this!
Communications Officer
• Ask ___ to head up Publication Handbook revision (replacing the current Editors’ Handbook and including information for Webmasters).
• Write occasional Editors and Webmasters letters or articles for AML Today.
• Nudge Thomas to review the 2009 PRP and prepare for the 2010 program.
• Write a quarterly letter to LG editors and Webmasters.
• Develop a FAQ for LG editors, to be sent each time a new editor comes onboard.
• Learn about and make decisions regarding Intelligent Mail Barcodes and Mailer Ids.
Communications Committee
• Create a list of all groups and how to find their e-versions.
• Develop a process so all the necessary eyeballs see all the electronic newsletters every month.
• Revise ToS for Online Community.
• Review the Elephant — will it stand up to service expansions such as chat or blogs?
• Write evergreen content for the Bulletin and InterLoc, such as how to subscribe to Interloc, NewsFlash, MensaWorld, online directory, find AMC agendas and minutes, forums, etc.
• Review guidelines and discuss the direction and purpose of InterLoc in an age of elists and forums, starting with identifying members’ needs and then determining how to best use all available services to meet those needs.
• Review PRP’s purpose and evaluate of whether it’s still fulfilling that purpose.
• Develop an annual newsletter survey to accommodate delivery mechanisms, postal permits, other editorial needs.
Name & Logo Committee
• Review all LG and SIG Web site for name and logo use.
• Write an article for InterLoc.
• Ensure all RVCs, and LG editors and Webmasters have copies of the N&L workbook.
• With the Communications Committee, develop a process so all necessary eyeballs see all newsletters every month.
• Identify steps to take when we learn of a newsletter or Web site violation.
• Develop standardized steps and letter/email templates for correcting internal violations.
• Tell Jared end of license plate idea.
• Create list for RVCs of what to look for .
• Create a reporting form for RVCs.
• Identify and present issues for revision to MIL N&L Committee.
• Update N&L Workbook pp 10-11 to clarify that AML owns the mark in the US.
Charter Committee
• Work w/ Howard & Heather to get it sent to LGs.
Finance Committee
• Review dept plans and priorities.
• Read and ponder and investigate all the financial stuff in preparation for January meeting.
• Maybe write a long response, with numbers, to Lee’s sky-is-falling questions.
Gifted Youth Committee
• Help GYComm develop goals.
• Help GYComm develop guidelines for publishing of kids’ info in Fred, LG newsletters, etc.
• Submit those guidelines to RM Comm for input.
• Help GYComm plan for what they want $ for.
• Work with ComComm to develop policy regarding kids’ info in FRED and similar publications.
LG Service & Funding Committee
• Conduct additional research as needed.
• Develop metrics for assessment of service delivery.
• Develop a funding and incentive plan to support Local Group service to members.
• Write a monster report.
MIL Name & Logo book
• Present questions to elist to solicit answers.
• Write new text sections for international audience and issues.
• Sew it all together and present.