Life-sized Kill Dr. Lucky game. Think of it as what happens before the game "Clue" begins.
-- Posted from my iPhone
* Who wrote them?
* How were they approved (and by whom)?
* Are they considered directives of the AMC in the same way committee charges are?
* What is the procedure for reviewing and updating them?
* Does anyone ever stop to ask if we still need those positions?
* Who is responsible for writing new job descriptions?
* To whom do they get turned in?
* What is trump when a job description conflicts with text in a handbook?
I don't remember the break down of why a regional special election will cost ~$5k, but if each region has about 5,000 people in it, to print, mail, and pay the counting house to count that many ballots would, very likely, cost around $1 a piece. But if you figure that the chances of those elections being uncontested as 60% (as was the case in the last election)... well, maybe that's not so bad, looking at the longer term financial picture.
The new report forms for the AMC don’t really provide a place for us to record what all we actually did between meetings. I like to keep track, if for no other reason than to make myself feel like I am getting things done and not just spinning my wheels. Plus, whoever comes after me will have a better picture of what the job entails.
So… since late June, here’s what I’ve done:
As Communications Officer:
• Read many Local Group newsletters each month.
• Read members' postings on various public and AML-sponsored elists.
• Participated on Newseditors’ and Webmasters’ elists and handled some administrative duties for those lists.
• Actively participated in discussions on the AMC elist.
• Attended July’s AMC meeting, the ABM, and a slew of workshops and informal meetings during the AG.
• Reviewed InterLoc content for August, September, October, and Nov/December.
• Reviewed in great detail August, September, October, and Nov/Dec Bulletin content
• Reviewed and discussed Web site content and other Internet Services.
• Represented communications’ concerns by actively participating on many committees
• Actively participated in the day-to-day administration and moderation of the Online Community, including dealing with disgruntled participants.
• Discussed Bulletin redesign—looks and content—with Dir of Marketing & Communication, the Bulletin editor, and the Bulletin designer.
• Approved (or cheered when others approved) 280 new Facebook group members-for a total 2,247as of October 6.
• Appointed new Facebook Group admins: Lynn MacDonald, Kevin Mullen, Linda Richardson, Nevin Liber, Michelle Bracken, Sheila Austin.
• Cheered when staff finalized the technical necessities for presenting non-AML-controlled Mensa-centric online communities to the membership via the AML Web site.
• Forwarded a few address changes, death notices, and requests to unsubscribe from the Bulletin to the appropriate Nat Office staff.
• Cheered when the dynamic Bulletin online archives debuted.
• Intervened when a member began riling up the Newsleditors elist.
• Responded to a member who was unhappy with how the moderating of an online SIG was handled.
• Advised how to handle a member’s concerns about an unapproved printing and editing of his letter to the InterLoc editor and stayed informed as the conflict escalated.
• Spent many hours discussing and writing explanations during the great storm on the AML forums in August.
• Resolved the over-budget issue for InterLoc editor’s travel (I used my discretionary budget for his extra nights).
• Participated in the initial effort of a small-group discussion on one of the AMC’s identified “Mega Issues.”
• Participated in survey to determine improved Website navigation organization.
• Did some explaining and general AMC representation to members on the AML Online Community regarding concerns about legal fees and what we got for our money.
• Appointed two new members for Com3 (Brad Christman and Zee Evelsizer).
• Facilitated discussion among concerned parties regarding publication of a controversial InterLoc article.
• Began developing a long survey for editors.
• Advised a Local Group regarding members’ complaints about a controversial newsletter cover.
• Repeatedly bugged the AMC to allow me to share confidential posting regarding where the money came from to pay the legal bills (permission to repost was never given).
With the Communications Committee:
• Met in person at AG and discussed goals, roles, and reporting structure for Bulletin, InterLoc, and Online Community.
• Began work on developing a process so all the necessary eyeballs see all the electronic newsletters every month by identifying who needs what information from Local Group newsletters, by investigating which newsletters RVCs are and are not receiving, and by developing a survey for editors to help determine where all the variants of electronic newsletters are located.
• Supported the moderators of the Online Community in their efforts to rein in some of the chaos on the forums.
• Suspended one member for 30 days and another member for an indefinite time from the Online Community.
• Reviewed and began revision of Terms of Service for the Online Community.
• Prepared background and facts for an AMC discussion regarding the rule that directories may not be sent as pdf attachments to emails but rather kept on a secure site and "available for download."
With or acting as Chair of Name & Logo Committee:
• Met in person in Pittsburg and reviewed goals for the year.
• Addressed internal logo violations by Oregon, Central Penn, Isolated M, and NewYork.
• Discussed ClubMed SIG’s request to use the logo on shirts.
• Developed a template for email to editor regarding misuse of logo.
• Discussed and found that “Mensan(s)” has been in common use for decades and so formally authorized the use of the term Mensan(s) in reference to member(s) of Mensa both in the past and in the future.
• On September 3, 2009, The committee reviewed and voted to approve Piedmont Area Mensa's non-commercial use of M-E-N-S-A as the title and structure for their RG's version of the game Bingo.
• Updated the Name & Logo Workbook.
• Authorized action against a Yahoo group misusing the name “AmericanMensaLtd.”
• Reviewed and made judgment on acceptability of many designs for the 50th Anniversary.
• Reviewed and advised on design of logo for official Mensa products and vendors.
• Reviewed and advised on design of logo for a new Member pin.
• Addressed a member’s concerns regarding the Ironman logo and its similarity to Mensa’s.
• Advised Boston LocSec regarding an unsanctioned Facebook group using the name Boston Mensa.
With or as Chair of Local Group Charter Development Task Force:
• Edited the Charter a few times and presented a new draft to the AMC and to the members of the LocSec elist.
• Received feedback, answered questions and concerns, and edited the draft to remove any reference to Local Groups agreeing to anything.
• Presented a Charter template and motion to approve it to the AMC.
With or acting as Chair of Local Group Service & Funding Committee:
• Added Jean Danielson and Beth Anne Demeter to the committee.
• Nudged and confirmed that all members had all necessary materials.
• Each committee member solicited input from at least ten members regarding what services, activities, and opportunities they expected to find in Mensa in preparation for developing a survey.
• Solicited input from LocSecs regarding which, if any, local services regularly provided to their members are being cut, and why and what are their priorities for which services to keep and what to cut.
• Began rough development of a survey.
As Liaison to the Gifted Children’s Committee:
• Participated in Conference call regarding Gifted Children.
• Suggested goals to Chair of Gifted Children Committee.
• Crafted, vetted, listened, edited, and defended motions for updating and clarifying the charge to the Gifted Children’s Committee and the creation of a new appointed position: a Youth Program Coordinator.
• Requested an organization chart showing the relationship of the Gifted Children’s Committee to other governing components of AML and the Mensa Foundation.