Monday, September 30, 2024

What I did for Mensa September 2024


MI News Team
  • Posted ExComm minutes.
  • Long orientation call with Interim chair.
  • Began working on a member profile draft, then set it aside after discovering he’s not a member.

Director of Administration
  • Processed all NM reports received so far.
  • Responded to a bunch of website inquiries.
  • Zoom with J re her data needs from the NM reports.
  • Wrote long set of thoughts on SMAC and how they might be better used.
  • Set acknowledgements to all NM reporters so far.
  • Sent acknowledgements to all appointee applicants so far.
  • Started putting appointee and committee reports into agenda formats.
  • Pulled membership data as of today for A.
  • Sent some reminders to my liaison assignments about doing their reports.
  • Some background work on Hub spaces and encouragement for the team.
  • Manually entered a NM report for a Chair.
  • Prepared scoresheet for applications.
  • Began downloading archives from Workplace.
  • Sent all but the 8 still missing NM reports to M.
  • Sent 11 appointee & committee annual reports to M.
  • Sent membership and  membership fees data to J.
  • Processed remaining vol applications- 153!
  • Sent acknowledgements to applicants.
  • Commented on draft business plan
  • Ordered IBD gifts.
  • Organize applicants by country.
  • Processed late NM report.
  • Reviewed all applicants and marked choices.
  • Prepared a voting score sheet to facilitate discussion.
  • Finalized Hub Instruction sheets for distribution.
  • Prepped late appointee and NM reports.
  • Sent updated spreadsheet of financial info to Jovana.
  • Proofed  Nov MWJ & sent comments to editor.
  • Answered several more web inquiries.
  • More work gathering input about appointments.
  • ExComm Zoom meeting to discuss and choose appointments.
  • Processed another straggler NM report.
  • Responded to a dozen web inquiries
  • Spent a couple hours responding to and cleaning out open tickets.
  • Sent treasurer latest NM numbers
  • Discussed concerns with a member about censorship on the MI Fb group… several times.
  • Prepared many questions about the validity an reliability of the adaptive test.
  • Prepped two months’ worth of From the ExComm pdfs for website.
  • Created lavish powerpoint presentation about N&L.
  • Looked up last year’s report for Chair of Mensa Norway.
  • Zoom w E re Hub presentation
  • Prepared and sent E list of names, NMs, and voting weights so he can start prepping the voting tool.
  • Prepped a strangling committee annual report and sent to M.
  • Zoom w J re strategic planning.
  • Sent agenda items for Oct 10 ExComm meeting to TMB & ExComm.
  • Participated in online discussion of those motions and revised as suggested.
  • Responded to vol applicants asking when they’ll find out results.
  • Responded to many more website enquiry tickets.
  • Reviewed and commented on IBD support document.
  • Reviewed and commented on NM Constitutions guide.
  • Prepped an printed all motions for the Motion Market.
  • Reminded M to redirect a superadmin address to ensure Hub confidentiality.
  • Call w CRO about needs.
  • Corresponded with ER re resigning from News Team.
  • Reviewed and offered ideas for E’s presentation bout the Hub.
  • Answered more inquiry tickets.
  • Prepped a very late NM annual report and sent to ExecDir and Treasurer.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

What I did in August 2024

MI News Team

  • Filled out annual report.
  • Prepped  a couple posts to promote AMG in Taiwan and one about France’s SSV program.
  • Got V set up to post in the Mensa News space on the Hub and reminded her to reapply for the team.

Director of Administration
  • Attended Chair’s Meet & Greet at EMAG.
  • Participated in all-day ExComm in-person meeting.
  • Long zoom w E re many topics and items for our to-do lists.
  • Emailed MWJ Ed re order and deadlines for ExComm columns
  • Responded to Bored Panda reporter asking for more time.
  • Nudge AML staff to respond to Bored Panda.
  • Responded to many many ticketed enquiries focused on AML information.
  • Asked Monday to have CC update the boilerplate on her emails to new members.
  • Responded to several requests for more information about volunteer positions.
  • Asked LB to be a ticketing agent.
  • Responded to a NM Chair’s question about using the Mensa Test on TV.
  • Sent proposed schedule of From the ExComm columns to MWJ editor.
  • Discussed upgrades to IBD Meeting tool and costs with E and J.
  • Sent emails to ~60 vol applicants just letting them know that we’ve received their applications.
  • Participated in discussions to refine motion drafts.
  • Wrote first draft of a comprehensive update to I SIGs section of bylaws.
  • Prepared motion for ExComm approval of Hub policy.
  • Joined SMAC group and reviewed recent meeting minutes and discussions.
  • Met with a NM chair to troubleshoot problems with the annual report form.
  • Asked ER if she’s up for being appointed as interim NT Chair.
  • Shared draft of adaptive testing contract with the rest of ExComm via google drive.
  • Asked M about admin access for mailman lists.
  • Responded to enquiry about Int’l Ombudsman position.
  • Presented motion to finish up assigning ExComm liaisons.
  • Shared neat and tidy list of motions for ExComm meeting.
  • Notified FB group manager of necessary updates to the About section.
  • Informed MWJ editor and ExComm of improved schedule for ExComm columns.
  • Corresponded with chair of Switzerland about board problems.
  • Worked on drafting updated policy for I-SIGs and for IVN.
  • Created Step-by-step instructing for the Hub including graphics.
  • Zoom w/ a few ExComm re several common issues.
  • Informed developer that upgrades to the meeting tool will have to wait for next year’s budget.
  • Proofed Oct MWJ and sent notes to editor.
  • Sent acknowledgement of NM reports.
  • Responded to another dozen website queries.
  • Began discussion with C & E about Hub permissions.
  • Changed permissions and asked E to be evil and try to break into a secrete private space.
  • Sent draft of Hub Step-By-Step instructions to User Support for feedback.
  • Requested that M redirect to me and to himself so the “Super Administrator” of the Hub is no longer B.
  • Many hours prepping volunteer application spreadsheets.
  • Responded to a DIM in Portugal wanting to get involved.
  • Responded to another dozen queries from the website.
  • Began writing input for ExComm Business Plan for upcoming year.
  • Wrote report for the Aug 25 ExComm meeting.
  • Participated in ExComm meeting on Aug 25.
  • Hours of work prepping appointment applications for ExComm review.
  • Set up two meetings’ worth of action points for easy reference on the Hub.
  • Uploaded Bucharest pics to ExComm space.
  • Zoom w A re SIG policy and a News Team article dealing with.
  • Tweaked drafts of motions about SIGs and informed E.
  • Emailed ER re interim News Team chair and next steps.
  • Sent more acknowledgement of NM reports.
  • Started making notes for News Team handover to new [interim] chair. 
  • Quick zoom w J re dashboard stats for 2024.
  • Worked on vol application organizing.
  • Corresponded with Austrian member wanting to organize a Mensa cruise.
  • Reviewed and provided input on IBD agenda draft.
  • Video meeting with E and HumHub contact.
  • Zoom w E re server costs and solutions.
  • Sent more acknowledgements of reports and applications being received.
  • Prepped ~30 MB of files into PDFs and uploaded to Hub.
  • Notified ExComm of the 108 applicants so far and how to find the files to get a jump on our decision-making.
  • Experimented with ways to format the NM reports for the agenda.
  • Wrote and sent my annual DOA report.
  • Helped chair of Montenegro with report problems.
  • Zoom with SMAC.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

What I did in July 2024

MI News Team

  • Notified the team that I have to step down as Chair.
  • Posted a couple articles I already had written and queued up.

Director of Administration
  • Read hand-over materials from former DoA.
  • Got new email account set up and working.
  • Approved a couple dozen Hub sign-ups.
  • Polished messages to go along with volunteer descriptions and applications.
  • Attended American AG.
  • Several hours one-on-one with new Chair reviewing topics for agendas and other concerns.
  • Reviewed staff descriptions.
  • Responded to S Korean Chair re membership concern.
  • Reviewed S Korea board conflict issues, but did not get involved.
  • Reviewed proposed motions for ExComm to consider.
  • Zoom w M.
  • Hours trying to figure out a reasonable way to get to and from Perth.
  • Worked with DoD to polish a couple motions for ExComm meeting.
  • Zoom w A re Call for Volunteers.
  • Sent request to treasurer for a proper chair and keyboard for A.
  • Researched and wrote lengthy response to a 12 yo reaching out to Mensa for advice and support.
  • Responded to ExComm discussion about member from Belgium using the Mensa name without permission.
  • Re-wrote call for volunteers to take into consideration that recipients will be members without access to the members area of the website.
  • Prepped and sent E&A copies of the zoom about the ticketing system.
  • Gave A a brainstormed list of content ideas for next newsletter.
  • Prepped some content for upcoming newsletter.
  • Zoom w A regarding newsletter.
  • Wrote a summary of what I know and understand regarding the status of the CRM project.
  • Long Zoom w E&A about ticketing system.
  • Set up space on Hub for Ticketing Agents.
  • Wrote and sent DoA report for July 14 ExComm meeting.
  • Nudged M again about sending forms to NMs for their annual reports.
  • Proofed July newsletter.
  • 3-hour ExComm Zoom meeting
  • Sent ExComm reports to T via email, as requested.
  • Zoom w E&A re preparing for Bucharest.
  • Spent 3 hours pulling together ideas for Aug 3 ExComm agenda.
  • Sent reminder to M about NM annual reports, Call for agenda items, pinned posts, and setting a meeting to talk about office topics.
  • Discussed Adaptive testing issues with a few ExComm members.
  • Got into the MI Survey Monkey account.
  • Zoom w A re SM & NMs’ annual report.
  • Proofed Sept MWJ and sent comments to the editor.
  • Google Meet w ESJA regarding topics for upcoming agenda.
  • Re-wrote google doc of agenda topics.
  • Dug around to look for last year's SM form.. signs point to IH  having it on her personal account and never turning it over to MIL.
  • Created google sheet of NMs’ membership and dues from 2023 reports.
  • Zoom w M re officer concerns and general procedures for things.
  • Zoom w A re mailchip glitch and Survey Monkey tech issues.
  • Sent Chair and M list of agenda topics
  • Answered several website inquiries.
  • Sent treasurer my thoughts on expected expenses.
  • Responded to several inquiries about volunteer roles.
  • Began reconstructing annual report forms.
  • Responded to many website inquiries about American Mensa.
  • Responded to a member in France complaint that the newsletter was in English.
  • Zoom w A regarding sorting out Survey Monkey (we succeeded!)
  • Drafted annually report forms for NMs, Appointees, and Committees.
  • Responded to Chair’s request for additional information for suggested agenda topics.
  • Reviewed and refined annual report forms with E&A.
  • Sent drafts of surveys to a few ExComm members for testing.
  • Drafted message to C about the new ticketing system.
  • Checked back with T regarding which discussion topics she wanted additional background information on.
  • Informed IBD of A’s title change.
  • Received draft adaptive testing contract.
  • Emailed C about the new Ticketing system.
  • Provided advice regarding a member’s use of the logo on a personal business website.
  • Edited annual report forms per feedback.
  • Responded to a few inquiries about volunteer positions.
  • Filled out SMAC survey.
  • Initiated contact as ExComm Liaison with CROs, Archivist, and SMAC.
  • Finalized annual report forms and sent to M for distribution.
  • Zoom w A re minutes process.
  • Polished and sent DoA report to ExComm.
  • Went to Romania.

Workplace Transition Team
  • Zoom w C re Hub issues.
  • Prepared google spreadsheet for sorting out details of various permissions and powers.
  • Discussed ISIG policy and other  topics with Hub team.
MI Name & Logo Committee
  • Alerted committee to a NM’s use of the N&L on condoms for sale in their boutique.

“Kitten Tasks”
  • Prepped September From the ExComm pdf for website.
  • Discussed ISIG policy and other  topics with Hub team.

MI Name & Logo Committee
  • Alerted committee to a NM’s use of the N&L on condoms for sale in their boutique.

“Kitten Tasks”
  • Prepped September From the ExComm pdf for website.

Monday, July 1, 2024

What I did in June 2024


MI News Team
  • Sent draft of Focus on Austria article to new chair there.
  • Prepped some posts.
  • Notified B and T about having to resign as Chair on July 1.
  • Created and queued up a couple weeks’ worth of posts to keep things going after I take office.

Director of Administration
  • Long zoom w A about many topics, most significantly how to approach preparing for advertising vol openings.
  • Prepared massive spreadsheet of all volunteers, job descriptions, etc.
  • Started researching who is in charge of MI’s Facebook group and page and what the appointment process is.
  • Zoom w T and B regarding the Facebook Page and general social media needs and issues.
  • Drafted ideas regarding ICO position and how that relates to social media.
  • Checked in with T re next pre-excomm zoom meeting and topics.
  • Set up next informal incoming ExComm zoom.
  • Began drafting changes to application form.
  • Zoom w A about appointments process and tasks.
  • Responded to a member’s displeasure about a “like” from “Mensa International” on the MI Facebook Page.
  • Zoom w incoming ExComm about things we need to ponder or get going on.
  • Zoom w A regarding appointments preparations.
  • Sent incoming ExComm the list of appointees/committees needing liaisons.
  • More discussion with Ashley to finalize appointment list and descriptions.
  • Zoom w A re growing to do list.
  • Facilitated discussion with A, Bo, and Molly (GY Staff at AML) about research and collaboration with outside organizations.
  • Zoom w E.
  • Worked on organizing tasks associated with the WP transition.
  • Prepped expense form for trip to Bucharest.
  • When the treasurer balked, I researched and explained in great detail why UA is actually cheaper than KLM.
  • Call w Bjorn about SMAC, travel, etc.
  • Zoom w A.
  • Zoom w E about choosing ExComm liaisons.
  • Drafted From the ExComm column for September MWJ.
  • Commented on discussion of new Standing Orders motion.
  • Asked M about what I need to do regarding messaging/forms for NMs and appointees’ annual reports.
  • Made clear notes about agenda items for ExComm meeting to be shared with T in Kansas City.
  • Facilitated clarifying ExComm Liaision assignments.
  • Finalized and sent September From the ExComm column.
  • Hours studying information about CRM issues.
  • Zoom w A about appointment applications.
  • Discussed motions about standing orders with NM chair.
  • Began drafting introduction message to go at the top of role descriptions.
  • Figured out and informed A of application deadline.
  • Zoom w S about possible collaboration on a motion about the International Ombudsman.
  • Investigate pieces of a mystery regarding Mensa-branded apps and sent findings to DoD.
  • Drafted a white paper about how to communicate with all members.
  • Corresponded with J about budget topics.
  • Discussed white paper w A.
  • Drafted a plan to handle the immediate  problem of notifying as many members as possible about volunteer openings and applications.
  • Corresponded with L about volunteerism topics.
  • Emailed M and ExComm regarding sending the newsletter this month.
  • Suggested edits on Ombudsman motion to S.
  • Advised A about handling a member’s many concerns about events listings.
  • Zoom w J about budgeting and finance issues.
  • Zoom w E re tech topics to be covered in handover meeting.
  • Cleaned up google doc of meeting topics brainstorming and shared with ExComm.
  • Reviewed and made suggestions for updates to Welcome Letter.
  • 4-hour zoom w B, E, and A re IBD meeting voting tool, Hub policy, Ticketing system.
  • Added several things to the growing list of topics for the ExComm to handle.

Workplace Transition Team
  • Contributed to discussions on policy and community architecture.
  • Created ~50 coordinated consistent thumbnail logos.
  • Set up, populated, and explained purposes of a sandbox for Admins and Moderators.
  • Zoom w WP transition team.
  • Worked on Hub policy.
  • Worked on second draft of policy.
  • Worked on third draft of policy.
  • Finished Hub Policy.
  • Approved several dozen sign-ups to Hub.

MI Name & Logo Committee
  • Corresponded with chair of Mensa Poland and N&L Comm about logo permissions.
  • Nudged comm chair to finalize decision.
  • Nudged him again.
  • Alerted T & M about another AML item that violates the rules (socks).
  • Looked up what contact info I could find for a couple rogue FB groups using the Mensa name.

“Kitten Tasks”
  • Responded to many queries about prior evidence for AML admission and other US-specific questions sent to the MI Contacts page.
  • Researched contact info  to get permission for all the news links on the website.
  • Asked Becky for info about AML's RR Comm and GY policies.
  • Prepped August From the ExComm column pdf for the website.
  • Wrote brief summaries of Hot Topics Sheets 1–4 for website.
  • Looked up contact for reprint permission info for many news links on MI website.

AML But as Plain Ol' Robin
  • Alerted my RVC about concerns and background regarding a motion on the July AMC agenda.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

So this happened...


What I did April & May 2024

MI News Team

  • Created graphic for 2024 Poetry Competition.
  • Zoom with A.
  • Zoom with A about advertising for NT help in upcoming newsletter.
  • Responded to several emails expressing interesting helping NT.
  • Created post about members’ use of name and logo.
  • Dug up an old MWJ issue that had excerpts from the very first Mensa Magazine and created a post from it.
  • Revised draft of DPO interview and sent to B.
  • Prepped a few posts from contributors.
  • Zoom w A.
  • Began drafting interview questions for outgoing Chair.
  • Created a post about AML’s age demographics among officers.
  • Reached out to VB (France) about joining News Team.
  • Drafted long Focus on Mensa Austria article and sent to that Chair for review and input.
  • Prepped several more posts.
  • Messaged with VB about how she can help.

MI Name & Logo Committee
  • Advised chair of Mensa italy about designing boutique items.
  • Sent crisp logo-in-diamond files to Australia chair.
  • Notified committee of a couple logo violations from Mensa Brazil.
  • Asked for input/approval on a N&L piece destined for Mensa News.
  • Asked about continued violations on merchandise for sale.
  • Asked about unofficial Mensa FB group.

“Kitten Tasks”
  • Polished and organized documents/web content for escape simulator events.
  • Drafted several graphics for election pages.
  • Added news items to list of website fodder.
  • Drafted additional election graphic variations.
  • Created a flag graphic for website.
  • Cleaned up AMG 2024 collage for website.
  • Gathered categorized links from WP to be highlighted in the newsletter.
  • Created collage graphic for GLAM for website.
  • Added news items to list of website fodder.
  • Prepped pdf of June From the ExComm column.
  • Created collage about Mensa Brazil’s Foundation.
  • Reviewed new site’s look on cellphone.
  • Notified all 30 people who submitted member stories and photos for the website.
  • Checked all links in Member Area of website.
  • Prepped pdf of July From the ExComm column.
  • Hours of work on WP 2.0 policy drafting.

Gifted Youth Committee Liaison
  • Nudged on Chinese translation of Hot Topics #3
  • Typeset Chinese version into the layout.
  • Drafted Hot Topics #4 (English and Italian)

Uncategorized MI
  • Advised Chair on Workplace policy concerns.
  • Lots of discussion and playing with new forum software.

Incoming Director of Administration
  • Long zoom with team to transition workplace.
  • Zoom w T about plans and such.
  • Zoom w E.
  • Zoom w A.
  • Started to-do list.
  • Discussed nuances of moderation approaches for new online community.
  • Researched flight costs for Bucharest for incoming treasurer.
  • Zoom w Current and incoming ExComm.
  • Began informal Google doc for keeping track of topics  for future agendas.
  • Emailed I about  transition of files and wisdom.
  • Organized contact info and re-did permission agenda brainstorming google doc.
  • Set up first informal zoom for incoming ExComm (took a while to calculate all the time zones!)
  • Zoom w E.
  • Sent initial brainstorming list of topics for first informal ExComm zoom to T.
  • Zoom with incoming ExComm.
  • Zoom w E.
  • Researched and created spreadsheet of all appointees and committees’ chairs and members.
  • Advised lead Admin of FB on how to handle a member’s complaint; ultimately figured out it was not about the MI FB group, so I message the complainer myself.
  • Organized lengthy email to incoming ExComm regarding brainstorming agenda items.
  • Asked for copy of or access to the survey monkey form used in the past for volunteer applications.
  • Zoom w Chair of Romania about EMAG plans, N&L needs, and general concerns.

National Awards Committee
  • Zoom meeting.